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19 Posts


October 17th, 2020 13:00

SC4020 Controller Failure


Last weekend our SC4020 alarmed a failed controller. The equipment is out of warranty and now I must fix this issue. I'm not experienced with Compellent family. I'd like to know if the failed controller could be reseated or rebooted in anyway with no impact to the applications, in order to confirm the hardware failure. If so, is there any preparation I must care about to do that? Maybe it should come up...

In Alerts TAB we can see the message bellow:

- Enclosure-1 is in an Unrecoverable state

- IO Module 01-01 in enclosure-1 has turned on a failure indicator

- Enclosure component 01-01 in Enclosure-1 is indicating a warning confdition

- Top Controller is failing over

- Botton controller is down




Thanks in advance for any information.



Marcio Coelho



8.9K Posts

October 19th, 2020 09:00

Hi Marcio,

Try reseating the controller and see if it comes back up, it can be done with everything running on the other controller. Let us know if you have any other questions.

19 Posts

October 21st, 2020 10:00

Hi Josh Cr,


Thanks for the answer.

You mean there's no preparation needed?

I can just pull the release lever to desengage the controller module (no need to disconnect I/O cables), wait a few seconds and insert the controller again and see if it comes up. Is it that simple? Sorry for my simple question, but I didn't find any documentation about the procedure. Is there any action that should be done before (or after) in Storage Manager?



Marcio Coelho








8.9K Posts

October 21st, 2020 10:00

Yes, that’s right. It is already in a failed state so it doesn’t need additional prep.

19 Posts

November 10th, 2020 07:00

Hi DELL-Josh Cr,

Well, last week the survivor controller has failed too and the Storage Center became unresponsive. All services down. So, we went to a cold restart of the entire storage and after some time to come up, both controllers got to optimal state. I can't realize what  is going on. We'll try dig in the logs to find the possible cause. 


Thanks for your assistance,



4 Operator


2K Posts

November 10th, 2020 11:00

What was the reason not to apply a single SCOS upgrade in the last 4 years?



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