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1 Rookie


66 Posts


July 6th, 2023 23:00

CT-040 boot hung at redboot


I have a compellent CT-040 storage. It cannot boot into SCOS instead of hung at redboot. Details see below:

Press to update BIOS.bist
No network interfaces found

RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [DISK]
Compellent release, version v50A DGBE AUTO - built 12:28:44, Aug 4 2009

Platform: PC (I386)
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, Red Hat, Inc.

RAM: 0x00000000-0x80000000, 0x0006df70-0x80000000 available
ide_io_serial_bread() ERROR
RedBoot> load -d -b 0x108000 -m disk hda2:compellent.gzip;go
Can't load 'hda2:compellent.gzip': Bad filename
go :: invalid load entry address
RedBoot> load -d -b 0x108000 -m disk hda1:compellent.gzip;go
Can't load 'hda1:compellent.gzip': Bad filename
go :: invalid load entry address

Anybody has ideas? I guess it must be the BIOS issue which was not cnfigured. 

Thanks very much




631 Posts

July 7th, 2023 07:00


sorry for the issue.

Which version of SCOS is installed?

Was there a particular event that caused the problem? Like sudden shutdown for example.

Data is still accessible?


1 Rookie


66 Posts

July 16th, 2023 18:00

This is a pure brand-new system.  Would like to setup it but when I power on and found system cannot boot up to SCOS.  



3.2K Posts

July 17th, 2023 00:00

Hi @tianchou,


CT-040 is relatively an old system, but if mentioning it's brand-new system, that could be the system is left unopen till now. The SCOS might be corrupted. You would need the help from the storage support to check on the SCOS and identify if able to reinstall SCOS. 

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