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July 4th, 2017 04:00

Networker client installation for CloudBoost backup.

Hi everybody,

                      do you know if CloudBoost client binaries for direct backups must be installed on the client machine (Windows and Linux) as a separate package from basic and extended client packages?

And if yes, do you have any idea where is located to download it? (there is no CloudBoost client package at EMC support Portal, just the virtual appliance .ova).

Thanks and best regards.

July 5th, 2017 07:00

There is no separate installer. It is built-in to the standard NetWorker client.

July 5th, 2017 07:00

Awesome explanation Geordie!

Thank you very much again!

July 5th, 2017 07:00

Thanks a lot Geordie!

I was confused because some docs pointed out: "download the CB Windows client" (DOC-52445).

July 5th, 2017 07:00

Got it. The Windows client is used for the NetBackup workflow which does not have CloudBoost built-in. In that workflow the standalone CloudBoost client mounts the CloudBoost device as if it were a Windows share (UNC path) which NetBackup can then use to store its backup containers. The document you are referring to was suggesting you that you could also use that client to test CloudBoost connectivity from any Windows computer, such as your admin workstation. Support uses it this way because for basic connectivity troubleshooting it is often more convenient to be able to test directly from a specific computer without having to switch to the NetWorker console and trigger a backup.

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