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1 Message


August 20th, 2020 10:00

Dell vostro 3500 powers on and off and fan not spinning

Hi, Please i own a dell vostro 3500 that was usually overheating but working. This morning, woke up and powered it on and i noticed the fan was no longer spinning and after about 20 to 30 secs, it goes off. And so on and so forth.



25.9K Posts

August 21st, 2020 04:00

We tried reaching you on a private message but did not receive a response. Please feel free to reply to the private message whenever you are available.

August 25th, 2020 09:00

Why is this in a Dell Chromebook forum? Why not redirect the author of the original post to an appropriate forum? Why encourage posts that have nothing to do with the forum - nothing to do with Dell Chromebooks - by responding to them here?

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