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July 27th, 2009 11:00

Centera Replication

Ok dumb question that I cant answer for my customer, can anyone tell me why the source and target centeras have identical raw capacities but the target has less
objects and yet 10x the available capacity. customer explains that everything from one is being replicated to the other.

124 Posts

August 4th, 2009 08:00

Ok dumb question that I cant answer for my customer, can anyone tell me why the source and target centeras have identical raw capacities but the target has less
objects and yet 10x the available capacity. customer explains that everything from one is being replicated to the other.

Possible explanations:

- The source cluster is configured for CPP (parity) while the target cluster is CPM (mirroring). CPP will have 7 fragments (objects) while CPM will have 2 for the same stored object. This will create a disparity between used object counts.

- Garbage collection is not running on the source cluster. This could be because it is disabled, is not scheduled to run, or the cluster integrity is incomplete. This could cause disparity in used capacity

- Over protection. This is caused when a node or disk fails and is later revived where the regenerations complete. This can cause disparity in object count and capacity.

- Not all pools are being replicated. This will cause disparity between object counts and capacity.

- Storage strategy is different where single-instancing is allowed on the target but not the source. This will cause disparity in object counts and capacity.

EMC Technical Support should be able to assist in determining the exact causes for the disparity you are seeing. Integrity Checker can be run by Support on both clusters and a caparison made between enumeration clip lists across the clusters. IC will also report over protection and orphans allowing determination for the differences.

August 4th, 2009 00:00


In order to sort this out for you I need to have a little more information from both systems. There are a number of things that influence the number of objects and the capacity used by the stored objects.

To mention a few: storage strategy, cpm vx. cpp and if replication really took place. If the cluster state prevents garbage collection from running this might also lead to additional objects and capacity being used.

Please send the output of the following commands on both systems to

sho features
sho protection
sho repl det
sho capacity tot
sho capacity ava
sho pool capacity
sho node status all

With this I'll be able to get an overview and get started to get you into a correctly replicated environment.

Best regards, Holger
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