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This post is more than 5 years old


June 30th, 2016 09:00

Is there an easy method to collect all the Celerra configuration details into a text file?

Hello all,

For the purposes of performing a system audit, it would be useful to collect ALL the configuration-related information of a Celerra into a text file(s).  This text file could then be reviewed for correctness.  Ideally, with the information in this configuration, a new Celerra could be installed in an equivalent manner.

I would imagine that such a script would collect the configuration-related subset of information that is collected via the /nas/tools/collect_support_materials script.

It would also be useful if we could "save" the configuration, and then "save" it at a later date, and do a logical compare of the two configuration files to identify what items have changed.  This would probably need to be pre-processed by a Perl or some other script to filter out time stamps and other similar items that would be expected to change.  The result of such a compare script would identify any configuration skew over the time period.

I am willing to write the compare script, but I need the baseline information to work with.

Thanks for your help.

Dave B.

2 Intern


8.6K Posts

June 30th, 2016 13:00

you can export the NAS side config into XML with nas_xml

6 Posts

July 19th, 2016 05:00

Thank you Mr. Ranier.

The nas_xml command is very useful for this purpose, but as you mentioned, it deals with the "NAS" -related information.

I have also added the server_param command to capture all the parameter settings, and collected the user mapper configuration. While this increases the coverage of the logical configuration it is still incomplete.  For example, such a collection does not include the Celerra administration password policies, which would be a likely focus for a security-centric audit. There would also be a list of all the installed security certificates, ssh and similar keys, and the details of how each of the Celerra-owned "objects" were created in Active Directory and/or LDAP/Kerberos. 

Expanding on my original question ... is there a defined procedure to effectively do a "save all" or "show all" for an EMC NAS server? This would allow you to re-create the configuration if the hardware needed to be replaced.  Such a facility may also allow you to effectively clone a configuration by taking the saved configuration and editing the information to reflect the new target.  Obviously, such a "save all" collection of configuration information would be useful for an audit.

Thank you for help. The information has been useful, and helped increase the complete-ness of our configuration information capture. Any further suggestions are very welcome.

Dave B

6 Posts

July 19th, 2016 06:00

Hi Mr. Ranier,

Thank you for the information.  I had explored the collect_support_material script, but it seemed on one hand, overkill, but it was also incomplete in some areas.  For example, the output of the nas_xml command and user-mapper information is not included, security and certificate info, what the resulting Celerra Active Directory objects are and their respective attributes, nor the administrator password policies. 

This is OK.  The collect_support_material script was never created with the primary purpose of documenting the system for the purpose of auditing or re-provisioning.

But it is a good sugesstion to check out what is already easily collected and see if it applies.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Dave B.

2 Intern


8.6K Posts

July 19th, 2016 06:00

Usually when customer service has to do this they use a collect_support_material dump as the basis

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