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26 Posts


August 4th, 2022 08:00

Listen & Learn Podcast #1: What makes Cybersecurity critical now...

Given the 68% increase in data compromise between 2020 and 2021 and sharing similar unsettling statistics, Rob makes clear how the attack surface is becoming bigger, thereby more vulnerable and with many more opportunities for loss.

Data is becoming a more vital factor thanks to digital transformation, increased cloud, and more remote work. Those changes make for more data and data management applications, and more utilization by more individuals in more positions with more various responsibilities. Rob explores how this makes for a steeper learning curve for functions and individuals in literally every size company. He shares his ideas as to how organizations can approach that learning curve in the most efficient and effective way.

We offer this and all future Listen & Learn podcasts in a quick, easy-to-digest format offering up-to-date and relevant facts to help you make valuable L&D decisions. 

What makes Cybersecurity critical now..PNG

 Click here to play and enjoy What Makes Cybersecurity Critical....

Here are three courses to provide deeper and greater knowledge of cybersecurity...


About the Guest

Rob Sterba has 14 years designing and implementing Data Protection solutions with Dell Technologies. During that time, Rob has served as Solutions Architect, Content Developer, Scrum Master, and Product Manager. All of those roles have included focus on data protection. Working now as Product Manager for Security and Data Protection Education, Rob focuses on understanding product challenges and defines training offers that help customers excel with Dell solutions.

About the Host

Tim Wright has engaged in education and learning his entire life. Beginning as a middle school English teacher and then enjoying opportunities in corporate L&D in telecommunications, healthcare, information services, and Dell. Having been with Dell Technologies’ Education Services since 2013, Tim most enjoys the interactions with people that allow dynamic Q&A and shared discoveries.


1 Rookie


26 Posts

August 5th, 2022 08:00

Eager for listener feedback, I have 3 questions: 

1. Did you learn anything new from Rob's interview? Facts? Concepts? Processes? Other?

2. Did you disagree with any part of the podcast?

3. Did you think of follow-up you would like to this podcast? Podcast? Blog post? Other?

1 Rookie


38 Posts

August 5th, 2022 12:00

Hey Tim - It was great sitting down with you virtually!

Two points I may not have covered in the conversation is that the NIST CSF is more than just a set of key processes. I find those 5 processes incredibly helpful in discussing cybersecurity in a more broad sense, but the framework also includes guidance around adoption tiers, assessing alignment as well as profiling for known outcomes which is incredibly helpful.

The other is that while I specifically mentioned "Identify" in relation to identifying key data, services, applications, identifying risk in your environment and where you are  exposed is equally important. 

Security is truly an end to end process and you really have to take holistic approach to it and to me at least that all starts with education.  But I might be slightly biased.

Thanks again for the time and look forward to the discussion. 



November 18th, 2022 06:00

Really great information!

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