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April 3rd, 2017 06:00

Replications time-out every other day

Hello All,

I have an odd issue that I wanted to run past the forums before I opened a support call.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Every other day I have a replication for one client based backup that times-out.

All other replications finish fine within the same schedule as previous days.

The backups for this client execute successfully but on the days where the replication times-out the replication just does not seem to get anywhere.

Here are a few entries from the log for a failed / timed-out session. Note the progression over about 30 minutes is about 1KB.

(This is also after running for almost 23 hours)

2017-04-02 01:27:27 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:27:27, 1 files, 40.92 KB (1 files, 40.92 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU 

2017-04-02 01:32:27 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:32:27, 1 files, 40.94 KB (1 files, 40.94 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU 

2017-04-02 01:37:27 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:37:27, 1 files, 40.97 KB (1 files, 40.97 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU 

2017-04-02 01:37:27 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:37:27, 1 files, 40.97 KB (1 files, 40.97 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU - (target server)

2017-04-02 01:42:27 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:42:27, 1 files, 41.00 KB (1 files, 41.00 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU 

2017-04-02 01:47:28 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:47:28, 1 files, 41.03 KB (1 files, 41.03 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU 

2017-04-02 01:52:28 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:52:28, 1 files, 41.06 KB (1 files, 41.06 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU 

2017-04-02 01:52:28 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:52:28, 1 files, 41.06 KB (1 files, 41.06 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU - (target server)

2017-04-02 01:57:28 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-04-02 01:57:28, 1 files, 41.09 KB (1 files, 41.09 KB, 100.00% new) 486MB 0% CPU 

Here is the same log entries for a successful replication.  Note the progression is in TB not KB

(this is after running for about 12 hours)

2017-03-31 15:42:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 15:42:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU 

2017-03-31 15:47:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 15:47:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU 

2017-03-31 15:52:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 15:52:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU 

2017-03-31 15:52:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 15:52:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU - (target server)

2017-03-31 15:57:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 15:57:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU 

2017-03-31 16:02:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 16:02:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU 

2017-03-31 16:07:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 16:07:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU 

2017-03-31 16:07:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 16:07:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU - (target server)

2017-03-31 16:12:30 avtar Info <8688>: Status 2017-03-31 16:12:30, 1 files, 1,869 GB (1 files, 325.1 GB, 17.40% new) 609MB 0% CPU 

April 4th, 2017 04:00

More information would be needed here.  Given the sensitive nature of full logs it would probably be best to investigate this with Support via the SR.

Besides full copies of both logs some helpful information to add to the SR is provided in the following article

KB 470159 - Avamar replication troubleshooting - information gathering template 

Hope that helps,


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

May 16th, 2018 04:00

Just in case somebody ends up here, here's a solution that worked for me.

Something like increasing value for repl_window_hours.

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