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August 22nd, 2012 10:00

change DNS setting

Is there any procdure for changing DNS server settings, other than modifying /etc/resolv.conf ?

Do the nodes use DNS?


2K Posts

August 22nd, 2012 10:00

This should work fine. Avamar doesn't use DNS internally.

That said, you should always take a checkpoint before making OS configuration changes just in case.

96 Posts

August 22nd, 2012 12:00

Thank you!

2K Posts

August 22nd, 2012 12:00

My pleasure! If it's a multi-node system, don't forget to update all the nodes.

2 Posts

June 14th, 2018 10:00

Sorry for reviving an old thread but I am trying to change the resolv.conf on my server to update the nameserver setting but when I try to move the file back to the server (using WinSCP) it's denied apparently because I am logged in with an admin account and I need root access. I am not able to log in as root. I can Putty in as admin and change to root but I don't know how to do this through WinSCP.

2K Posts

June 15th, 2018 06:00

This thread is very old. I think it may actually predate the release of Avamar hardware running SLES. I believe we now recommend using YaST to modify the DNS settings on the Avamar server.

If you do need to change resolv.conf manually, it's better to edit the file in place using an editor like vi or emacs rather than copying it from system to system to edit. If you edit a UNIX file in a Windows editor, it may replace the UNIX line endings with Windows line endings and that will lead to problems when the file is copied back.

Remote root access has been disabled on Avamar systems for security reasons.

If you need to copy resolv.conf (or any other file accessible only by root) from another system, you need to copy it into the /home/admin directory, then log into the Avamar server as admin, switch to root with su - root, set the permissions and ownership correctly with chmod and chown, and copy the file to its proper location.

Editing in place is much simpler.

2 Posts

June 15th, 2018 08:00

Thanks for the information, Ian. I ended up opening an SR with EMC. They connected and took care of it for me within the MCCLI. They also sent me the following link to a KB article outlining the same process so if I ever have to do it again I can do it myself. It's basically what you suggested.


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