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41 Posts


March 9th, 2023 14:00

Powerstore Ansible Volume module Parameter missing


I have a Powerstore Question I’m hoping you could help with…

I trying to create a Volume using the Volume module.

It works as long as I don’t try to set the Appliance (I thought that parameter was remote_appliance_id but I guess not).  However, I need to be able to set the Appliance because we want to manually do this as opposed letting the System Auto set it. 

I’m allowed to set it using the GUI.  I’m looking for the same option with the Ansible Module.


1 Rookie


79 Posts

March 12th, 2023 22:00

Hi @gdny 

Currently setting appliance_id is not supported through the module, we are working on including it in the upcoming releases. Meanwhile the ansible uri module can be used to set the appliance_id. Sharing playbook below for the same

- hosts : localhost

  vars :
    array_ip : " 10.*.*.* "
    username : " ** "
    password : " ** "

  tasks :

    - name : Login
      uri :
        url : " https://{ { array_ip }}/api/rest/login_session "
        user : " { {username}} "
        password : " { {password}} "
        method : GET
        validate_certs : no
      register : response

    - debug :
        msg : " Token { { response.dell_emc_token }} "

    - name : Creating a volume with appliance_id
      uri :
        url : " https://{ { array_ip }}/api/rest/volume "
        user : " { {username}} "
        password : " { {password}} "
        method : POST
        body : >
          { "name" : "test-volume", "size":1048576, "appliance_id": "A1" }
        body_format : json
        headers :
          Content-Type : ' application/json '
          DELL-EMC-TOKEN : ' { { response.dell_emc_token }} '
        validate_certs : no
        status_code : 201
      register : vol

    - debug :
        var : vol
For appliance_name to be specified, the json can be modified as  "appliance_id":"name:Appliance1" 


41 Posts

March 13th, 2023 07:00

Thanks for the workaround.

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