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1 Rookie


17 Posts


June 8th, 2023 09:00

dellemc.powerscale.filesystem -> access_control_rights ->trustee For AD Group : Error

- name : "Create Source Filesystem For DEV"
  dellemc.powerscale.filesystem :
    onefs_host : "{ { isilon_ip_address_p }}"
    port_no : "8080"
    verify_ssl : false
    api_user : "{ { isilon_api_user }}"
    api_password : "{ { isilon_api_password }}"
    path : "/ifs/cluster_name/DEV/CITNCP0006604"
      name: '{ { isilon_api_user }}'
      provider_type: 'ads'                                   # Working
    access_control_rights :
      access_type : "allow"
      access_rights :
        - dir_gen_all
      inherit_flags :
        - container_inherit
        - object_inherit
        name: "CS\\domain users"                             # not working
        type: "group"
        provider_type: "ads"
    access_control_rights_state : "add"
    state : "present"
  register : quota_output_dev_source

      "changed": false,
    "msg": "Failed to get the group id for group CS\\domain users in zone System and provider ads due to error  { errors : [ { code : AEC_NOT_FOUND , message : Failed to find user for 'GROUP:CS\\domain users': No such group } ] } "

Since this are Valid AD groups and i have noticed them in other filesytem "/ifs/cluster_name/DEV/CITNCP0006603" with below successfull details

            "action" : "replace" ,
            "authoritative" : "acl" ,
            "group": {
                "id": "SID:S-1-5-21-1229272821-706699826-839522115-513",
                "name": "CS\\\\domain users",
                "type": "group"
            "mode": "0770",
            "owner": {
                "id": "SID:S-1-5-21-1229272821-706699826-839522115-8754",
                "name": "CS\\\\cs server admins (groups only)",
                "type": "group"

1 Rookie


79 Posts

June 9th, 2023 03:00

Hi @Javed Khan Siddque 

Could you try to retrieve the details of group using the group module? Are the details returned? Sharing the sample playbook below. 

group :
      onefs_host : " { { isilon_ip_address_p }} "
      port_no : " 8080 "
      verify_ssl : false
      api_user : " { { isilon_api_user }} "
      api_password : " { { isilon_api_password }} "
      provider_type : " ads "
      group_name : " CS \\ domain users "
      state : " present "

1 Rookie


17 Posts

June 19th, 2023 09:00

Hi @jennifer_john ,

i tried your suggestion got to know that local group exist :- Administrators (members are AD groups)
and it is working perfectly now.

name: "Administrators"
type: "group"
provider_type: "local"
No Events found!
