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1 Rookie


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May 23rd, 2024 02:18

m16 R1, ongoing issues

About 35 days after purchase I received my first BSOD of DRIVER_POWERSTATE_FAILURE.

Contact support, eventually leads to needing to ship the laptop to the repair depot. They claim the motherboard was faulty and supposedly replace it. This whole process took a little over a week.

Two weeks later after a busy schedule didn't give me much time to test I get three BSODs in a row of DRIVER_POWERSTATE_FAILURE once, and VIDEO_DGXKRNL_CRITICAL_FAILURE twice. Contact support. Eventually leads through a series of "fixes" through remote sessions and eventually another ship to repair depot where they "replace" the motherboard.

This goes on through several remote sessions and consistent BSODs to the point that in the past year I have had to ship the laptop out to them three more times where one they didn't even do anything to it and just shipped it back.

Fast forward a bit and I keep getting the VIDEO_DGXKRNL_CRITICAL_FAILURE BSOD and they remote onto my laptop once again. This time deleting my GPU through device manager, and constantly attempt to open personal files and notes that had nothing to do with the actual issue that I had to keep taking control back to tell the guy to do his job and stop touching what doesn't need to be. The tech then couldn't get the GPU back so I had to ship it back out to them once again. They claim they reinstalled the OS and it "fixed" the issue.

However since I got it back I have been unable to update the GPU driver and support seems to be dragging this out as long as possible even claiming they have a fix for my specific issue but don't have a release date for this specific fix.

At this point I don't even want the laptop anymore and they are continuing to try and buy more time with copypaste responses and talk about how we are "in this together". No. We are not. I am the customer who has been dragged along through a series of band-aid "fixes" that have not worked for nearly a year with the same issues.

5 Practitioner


1.5K Posts

May 23rd, 2024 21:50

@MrHendo It seems you have been pretty patient with Support up to this stage. I will speak to someone I know and see if they can check on your situation for you. 
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