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February 2nd, 2017 04:00

Wifi Dropping on Brand New Alienware 15 R3


I was so exicited to receive my brand new Alienware 15 R3 yesterday and started the process of migrating all of my data and the standard updates that windows, mcafee and alienware apps will shout out about...

Whilst downloading I noticed that the wifi would drop and the download failed, I had to turn off and turn back on the wifi to get it working again.  My other devices are working on the wifi without a problem so there's nothing wrong with the router.

Checking that wifi device drivers, it's saying everything is working and they are at the latest version. The laptop is 6 feet away from the router too.

What else can I check to ensure that my wifi is stable?  If it keeps doing this, it'll be back in the box and sent back for a refund, which I don't want to do but I still want to be able to use it!


March 2nd, 2017 15:00

Hi folks - we have just posted a new wireless driver and software suite that addresses a known issue on a small percentage of systems where the Killer Wireless module will drop the WiFi connection when passing a large amount of traffic. We have worked closely with Microsoft on this, and have identified a fix. This fix has been confirmed with several users that currently have the issue and we have posted a new software package. Please visit the link below to get the new driver:

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 2nd, 2017 11:00

What make/model WiFi card is installed? Is it Killer-Networking or Intel?

Have you tried clean-installing the drivers? Dell will have a validated set for your exact laptop. Windows-10 Update might have a different set. Finally, Killer Networking has some.

If it's a "Killer Networking" brand ... here is just a couple out of the many threads:

In your spot, I would at least give phone support a call to see what they say. They will likely help you check your BIOS and install the latest Dell validated WiFi driver. Worth a try before going through the hassle of sending it back.

Not sure if Dell has better drivers than these:

2 Posts

February 2nd, 2017 13:00

Thanks Tesla, I'll do some digging. I just find it very disheartening when I've spent so much on a laptop, it's not too much to ask for it to work straight out of the box is it?

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 2nd, 2017 15:00

Thanks Tesla, I'll do some digging. I just find it very disheartening when I've spent so much on a laptop, it's not too much to ask for it to work straight out of the box is it?

No problem. So, it is a Killer card ? (you still didn't say).
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm asking myself that question quite a bit these days about various new machines.
It seems todays mottos are more like "Less is More" and "Good Enough is Fine".
I HAVE been pleasantly surprised by my new and out-of-the-box experience with Apple computers and devices over the years. Too bad you can't really Windows-Game on them all that well. [:D]. Maybe we just need some consoles?

1 Message

March 5th, 2017 01:00

Thanks for posting the link killernetworking! I was having the random wifi drops on my 15 R3 and it's all good after the update!

4 Posts

November 11th, 2017 05:00

Hello can you help me ? I have an Alienware 15 R3 and my wireless connection drops all the time. After several attempts, I changed my router signal from 5ghz to 2.4ghz and the connection stopped dropping. However, I would like to use wireless at 5ghz. Is there any solution for this?
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