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March 4th, 2017 10:00

Alienware x51 R2 SSD upgrade

Hey guys !
I want to buy SSD for my Alienware x51 R2 but i would like to know exacly which cables i have to buy to plug it in correctly(i want to keep my old 2TB HDD inside)
Can any1 link me them direct on amazon or ebay in EU(Germany)

Thanks !

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

March 6th, 2017 10:00



There is no room for you to do that if you want to keep the old 2TB HDD.


If you need more information, please send me a private message with the service tag. 

1 Message

December 20th, 2017 10:00

I have an Alienware Area 51 R2, service tag

I wish to upgrade the existing "SAMSUNG SSD PM871 2.5 7mm 128GB", which runs the Windows 10 OS, to a "Samsung 960 EVO Series - 1TB PCIe NVMe - M.2 Internal SSD (MZ-V6E1T0BW)"

I want to know:

  1. Do I use the same physical slot the original SSD sits in, or do I use a PCIe x16 slot. (I believe 1 PCIe x16 slot is in use by the NVIDIA Titan graphics card).
  2. Based on the answer to #1, above, what adapter do I use to allow it all to fit?
  3. If answer to #1 above is to use a PCIe x16 slot, may I still add a 2nd graphics card in the future or have I extinguished all hope of doing so by running the new SSD on a PCIe x16 slot?

Any help you can provide is deeply appreciated. I've been away from hardware for a long time and am pretty lost with the incredible hardware existing today.


Jim Kay

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