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This post is more than 5 years old


June 11th, 2016 15:00

Alienware Alpha Fan Loud and Vibrating

About a week ago, my Alienware Alpha has been vibrating like mad. It also makes a moderately audible noise which I can always hear, even with headphones on. I've noticed that the vibrating coming from the Alpha is around where the GPU fan is. I opened up the case and started the Alpha, and upon booting up into Windows the GPU fan was still vibrating and making a noise.

Video of the noise it makes:

Also: If I do a somewhat heavy tap onto the left side of the Alpha, the noise and vibrations stop for a random amount of time.

2 Posts

June 13th, 2016 13:00

I've tried power draining, reinstalling the nVidia drivers, and updating the BIOS. Nothing fixed the issue though. I'm sending it in for repairs today so hopefully it'll fix the issue. Thanks for the support!

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