1 Rookie


2 Posts


December 11th, 2020 10:00

Aurora R11, upgraded from air cooled to liquid cooled post purchase?

Hey everyone,

I recently purchased an R11 that was air cooled as opposed to liquid cooled primarily because it was in stock at Best Buy thus I could have it to game during the long holiday vacation coming up, whereas all the liquid cooled options from Dell etc appeared to ship after New Year.

What I'd like to know is if it is possible to upgrade the air cooled version of the R11 to the liquid cooled version? If so, does anyone know what part/model number I would need and where I could order it from? The specs on my machine are below:

Intel Core i7 10700F
16GB Memory



6 Professor


5.3K Posts

December 11th, 2020 10:00

Contact Dell sales, part MH0HN, last I checked it was $109.

Or buy a corsair h60 from bestbuy.  It uses the same threading as the oem cooler so install is easy.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

December 11th, 2020 10:00

Thanks! I just ordered the H60 and ML120 Pro. I read some posts on the forums about the OEM fans being too loud. Appreciate the quick help.

6 Professor


5.3K Posts

December 11th, 2020 10:00

If you go the h60 route, you might need to either reuse the oem dell top case fan on the radiator or upgrade to a corsair ml120 pro.  

33 Posts

December 11th, 2020 16:00

You definitely need the upgraded corsair fan if you go with the H60.   I ended up getting the Dell cooler from ebay.

5 Posts

February 21st, 2021 18:00

@James1984  did you find a solution to this?? have the same issue and same exact build and cant find any info. any info on water cooling the gpu?

5 Posts

February 21st, 2021 19:00

@Anonymousand that will work just fine?? any idea with a water cooler for the gpu?? its a 2080 super built blower style and thats just a bad life choice!

5 Posts

February 21st, 2021 19:00

@Anonymous  ok awesome i really appreciate all the advice!! i was trying to see if i could just find the stock water cooling setup for it but its proven more and more difficult the more i dig lol and that honestly surprises me seeing as they have both air and water cooled options. even dell when i talked to them about 2 hours ago via dell chat told me the part was out of stock then when i asked for the part number ( which he should have cause he just told me its out of stock) after a long wait i was told he couldn't find it. whats the vrm heatsink for? sorry to sound noobish lol but if it has to do with water cooled consider me a noob lol. iv always been scared of it but i also dont want my $2000 (overpriced space heater) burning up on me lol

5 Posts

February 21st, 2021 19:00







5 Posts

February 21st, 2021 20:00


 oh ok i understand now, is that something id have to order specifically through dell/alienware or is there a part number or after market one for it. and man...sry i dont know ur name lol  but i appreciate all this very much!!!

6 Professor


5.3K Posts

February 21st, 2021 21:00

The R11 heatsink is part N1C1D, $143 from Dell.  It hasn't really hit the resale market yet the only place really to get it is from Dell.  You can buy individual mini-heatsinks and apply them to the mosfets with thermal tape, although the break in continuity might throw a startup error if you run an aftermarket AIO without the Dell VRM  heatsink. 

2 Posts

May 23rd, 2021 11:00

So I recently switched over to the h60 liquid cooler with the same Intel build r11. Everything seems to be running fine but my awcc is reading same temps for all fans and cpu. Any recommendations?

June 6th, 2022 07:00

The VRM heatsink is available on aliexpress for a fraction of the OEM price. Just type R11 or R12 VRM heatsink. It's under $30 (£20).

There seems to be some debate over where to place the connector for the pump on the OEM liquid cooler and the corsair H60 (they're the same unit, manufactured by Asetek. I have both for comparison). The OEM liquid cooler i have has a label on the 3 pin pump connector saying "pump, fan 1". This connector should be connected to the FAN header on the motherboard.

I've also done quite a bit of research on the fan situation. The OEM fans move a lot more air than the aftermarket, suggested "upgrades". I've fitted ML120s to my PC, and they are a lot quieter, but they actually move LESS air, as their CFM figures are much lower than the stock dell fans. So while acoustically they are an "upgrade", cooling-wise they are actually a "downgrade", which is presumably why people are having to fit 2 to the liquid cooling radiator.

June 14th, 2022 22:00

Edit: after contacting Asetek, it seems that the Corsair H60 is not in fact manufactured by them (or they're not allowed to admit that it is for legal reasons).

4 Operator


2.3K Posts

June 15th, 2022 05:00

You don't need a 4400 rpm fan to dissipate the heat from a 27mm thick radiator fin array . . . but if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Two quiet fans make less total noise than one loud fan.

The OEM liquid cooler pump is powered by the motherboard header FAN_PUMP. The Corsair H60 (2018) is powered via SATA direct from the PSU . . . so they are not the same unit, but they are both manufactured by Asetek. The H60 pump tach should be connected to FAN_CPU to avoid the diagnostic startup error.

1 Message

March 1st, 2023 00:00

Question does this ocool system reduce the amount of heat blown out of the tower? While gaming the amount of heat radiating from the desktop is intense.

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