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February 26th, 2018 02:00

Wyse T10 VUSB Redirection

Hello there

I'm using multiple T10-Thin-clients with firmware "2.0_411". I'm trying to redirect my "Nikon coolpix A10" in my active Citrix-Session.



When I connect the Camera, I see this entry in the "Device Viewer" under "EHCI Root Hub":

"WYSE VUSB [Vid_04B0 Pid_0368]"


Here is my ICA-Section of my xen.ini, which the Thin is correctly parsing while boot:

;* ICA *

SessionConfig=ALL mapdisks=yes
SessionConfig=ALL UnmapUSB=yes

Device=vusb ForceRedirect=0x04B0,0x0368,0x01,0x03,0x02,0x04E8,0x6865,


As you can see, I've set under the "Device=usb" the correctly "Vendor ID" and "Process ID". So why is this camera not in my Citrix-Session?


Thank you so much. Best regards. 


Matthias Gsteiger




3.3K Nachrichten

February 26th, 2018 05:00


für Wyse Produkte bitte TechDirect nutzen um den Support zu erreichen.

LG Martin

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