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18 Posts


March 8th, 2021 08:00

Dell G5 15 5587 Thunderbolt Update A02 breaks compatibility with Apple Thunderbolt Display

The newest firmware update from Dell Update is preventing the detection of Apple Thunderbolt Displays on multiple Dell laptops list in the forums.

Download that caused the problem: Intel_TBT3_FW_UPDATE_NVM46_PHY71_A02_4.46.152.001

Firmware that was working: ThunderboltFirmwareUpdate64_4.40.22.001.exe

Unfortunately, downgrading via every trick I know has failed. There does not appear to be a jabil / override feature.



25.5K Posts

March 8th, 2021 08:00



I have replied to you from a private message.




1 Message

March 9th, 2021 06:00

Hello Gautam,

We have the same issue. 

Please let me know how to resolve this,




25.5K Posts

March 14th, 2021 09:00

Hi, could you please private message us as your case is still active and we are working towards a solution?

March 14th, 2021 09:00

No, I will not mark this as a solution. You can email me to ask me to mark this as closed, but you can't communicate with me about what's being done to fix any of this mess?


My problems are not resolved and I can't get a human to communicate with me other than scripts and runarounds. 

Why on Earth would you tell me to go to Walmart for support? You know, the company that took 1k for a garbage gaming laptop with bad keyboard, bad HHD, and trash software that automatically runs firmware updates without approval.

If Dell had given me a choice and I had done this to myself I would understand, but I didn't. My only mistake was having the Dell Update module of Support Assistant installed and now I have no external monitor, no warranty, a trash laptop, and I've wasted days trying to communicate with you people.



March 14th, 2021 10:00

No, I won't send you yet another private message you guys won't respond to.

It's been radio silence for days, and Dell Cares twitter told me there's nothing Dell will do yesterday, so why would I let you keep this quiet?

I'm telling you now, every day this goes on I'm going to comment, I'm going to message, and I'm going to tweet. Once I have the final "Sorry, you're on your own" from Dell I am taking this to small claims. Thankfully I live in a state with a Dell/ EMC facility.

Dell made this mess, and I'm through being polite or quiet about it.

March 14th, 2021 11:00

Just a heads up to everyone else, it took 7 days to get a case number.

March 16th, 2021 13:00


 So Dell-Cares sends me a message 8 days after my initial complaint about their firmware update telling me:

"We have an update from our internal team. You need to contact our out of warranty team on the issue. You can call them on 1-800-288-4410. They're available 7am – 12am CST Monday to Friday."

I call and a rep answers within 3 rings. This is the only positive aspect of this call. I supply my service tag, confirm my info with a rep and he asks me to hold while he checks notes. He then comes back with

"Our paid support options for your issue include..." and I cut him off right there, informing him I don't want to hear about paid support options, I explain again about the firmware issue and how this was supposedly sent to engineering, and that there was an update to my case and I was told to call. I indicate want to know what this update is.

He puts me on hold, finally coming back and saying he has to create a service request and will transfer me.

This is another 15 minutes of hold time. I am transferred to a Consumer Support supervisor. I will say he is very polite and askes me to explain what happened. I explain again about the firmware issue and how this was supposedly sent to engineering, and that there was an update to my case and I was told to call, AGAIN.

He puts me on hold, finally coming back and saying he has to create a service request and will transfer me. If you think I'm repeating myself, it's because this happened 3 times in 1 hour and 20 minutes.

The final transfer sent me to an agent who informed me they would have a supervisor call me, which could take up to 24 hours.

No, I still don't know what the update is.

There are now 7 other users suffering from this that I am in contact with.

March 17th, 2021 10:00

So Janminmang calls me back from out of warranty support today at 12:30PM EST to continue our call after "our call was disconnected" and then launches back into your "paid support options are all we have available, but if you send it in we will look and if we can't fix it for free there will be no charge." then hangs up on me again, calling me back 17 minutes later.


He then asks for permission to remote assist, I told him feel free, knock yourself out. He clearly doesn't know anything about firmware constantly asking me the same questions about BIOS updates and drivers that have nothing to do with this. He then goes to SupportAssist, downloads an old firmware updater and launches it asking to put me on hold, then hangs up again. Then he connects remotely again while I'm logging back in, say hi and then ends the session. 

This is just a nonstop . Still impossible to get anyone stateside.

March 17th, 2021 13:00

You people are unbelievable.


 This happened in a span of 30 minutes, all I did was give him my name and phone as requested, and they straight up lied. Nothing changed, they said we'll call you, give us your number, then did a 180 and said "You're out of luck". 

Still waiting on that promised Supervisor call-back.

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