This post is more than 5 years old
3 Posts
May 25th, 2015 04:00
Swiss-French Keyboard Problem
Swiss-French Keyboard Problem
Hello everyone.
To begin with, sorry for my English, I come from Switzerland ...
I do not know if I'm posting on the right forum, thank you to tell me if I'm wrong place.
I come to you because I have a problem.
I configure the keyboard on the Swiss-French Wyse D50D but when one comes to an RDP connection, the keyboard returns to English.
Tes is a hassle, because the user must change the key parameters on new window openings ...
We have the OS version 3.0.31-0.9-PAE
If anyone knows a solution, it is with pleasure
Regards, Maxime Gambarini
40 Posts
May 25th, 2015 04:00
We had a similar problem on our T50's - in the end, Wyse had to provide an updated RDP client.
I would raise a support ticket directly with Wyse if I were you, let us know how you get on!
1 Message
May 25th, 2015 04:00
Same problem on T50 (french keyboard).
I saw the idea to update the rdp client, but this don't change nothing due I have the last version !
The real problem is the RDP server (2008R2) don't identify the keyboard layout shown by the terminal.
So I try to disable in RDP server the identification of keyboard layout : you need to add a register key :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Keyboard Layout]
So the RDP server use its own layouts (keep only your local keyboard).
(I know in Switzerland, you have German, French-Valais, Italian and romanche ?)
3 Posts
May 25th, 2015 04:00
Yes it works !
Thank's all !
3 Posts
May 25th, 2015 04:00
Yes acra, I wrote a call to Wyse yesterday, now, i wait a response...
Thank's chatal, i make a test friday and i give you news if it works
PS : in Switzerland, we have French-Swiss and Swiss-Deutsch but French-Valais it's a good idea
Maxime Gambarini