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This post is more than 5 years old



November 26th, 2003 01:00

why are there icons in the bottom right corner by the clock

Ok this might be a dumb question but moving from a mac to a pc running windows xp is another world.  Are the icons in the bottom right corner by the clock running programs or just program icons with know where to go?

342 Posts

November 26th, 2003 01:00

They are running. There may be some running that you don't want to run. If you go to Start>Run>type in "misconfig" (no quotes) and then click on the Startup Tab you will see all that run at startup. For advice on which you can eliminate go here Compliments of Denny Denham.

313 Posts

November 26th, 2003 01:00

Windows system tray/ Notification Area is on the far right end of your task bar. It holds shortcuts to programs and Utilities that load or install when your computer powers up. You can go to Start/Run and type in MSCONFIG and click OK. Click on Startup in the System Configuration Utility to see what programs are loading at startup and are displayed in the System Tray/Notification area.

2 Intern


18.8K Posts

November 26th, 2003 03:00


You can control the behavior of those icons. Right-click in that area and select "Customize notifications." A windows will open which will list the programs in the task tray. You can right-click any of them and choose its behavior from a drop-down menu, either Hide when inactive, Always hide, or Always show.

If you don't wish the programs to load on startup, besides unchecking their entries on the Startup tab of msconfig, many programs have an entry under Options or Preferences where you can tell the program not to start when Windows starts.

Since you are new to PCs, I should tell you that if you make any changes on the Startup tab the next time you boot up you will see a message telling you that you are using Selective Startup for troubleshooting. Don't worry about that message, since you invoked Selective Startup when you made a change on the Startup tab. Just check the box that tells Windows not to display that message in the future.

9 Posts

November 26th, 2003 14:00

I don't seem to have "misconfig". I did Run-Start-(type in misconfig) and was informed

"not found". I then did a search on all files and again, I got "not found".

I'm using Windows XP Version 5.1.2600 installed 9/23/2003 and have

installed all MS critical updates since then. (I have not installed all of the XP updates,

just a couple that seemed to apply to me).

Any ideas? I'm not sure where to look next.


285 Posts

November 26th, 2003 14:00

It would be msconfig. If you are just looking click on cancel when you close.

9 Posts

November 26th, 2003 16:00

Thank you, maggie!

I mistyped it and then kept reading it like it was right. I feel foolish, but I'm

probably not the first person that has done something like this.

285 Posts

November 26th, 2003 18:00

Your welcome Donallan. I'm the worst when it comes to typing, so I always recheck before I click.

2 Intern


2K Posts

November 26th, 2003 18:00

You can get FREE program called Startup Control Panel to List Auto Startup Folders & HKEYS &  Add / Remove auto startup programs from;

After install  use Control Panel switch to Classic View & select "Program" , you can also create Desktop shortcut by right click on Control Panel "Program".
To Temp remove , remove tick & doesn't give Startup message like MSCONFIG.
Is provides a more permanent Delete than MSCONFIG.

You can also get FREE program called Spybot , use Tools  & Edit of Auto System Startup Programs & also Lock .
Remove tick to temporarily stop auto startup or select & Delete for permanent removal.
If you install with Blind Icons you also get extra Immunize Options
Lock IE Home Page
Lock Hosts file
Lock use of Internet Options from IE > Tools > Internet Options

Use Update 1st before Immunize.
Also has other Tools.

Message Edited by gryjhnhpe on 11-27-2003 07:11 AM

342 Posts

November 27th, 2003 01:00

guess I am guilty also..I typed "misconfig" in my original post..very sorry if I caused any confusion.
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