This post is more than 5 years old
136 Posts
March 5th, 2008 18:00
WMI provider Host has stopped working
In my new Lap top (Inspiron 1720 with Vista Home premium), the message "WMI provider host has stopped working" appears systematically after booting (and this happens since I got the new computer). If I reboot it may appear again or not, it looks as a random behaviour. After the message, the computer looks working normally (I am using only office and internet), but it is slower to access my home network.
Which is the function of WMI and is it possible to avoid this stop working?
253 Posts
March 5th, 2008 20:00
Go there
Just fill your info, then you will have the fix update from microsoft
Good Luck
6 Posts
March 8th, 2008 17:00
I have exactly the same problem on my XPS1330 with Windows Vista Home Premium. I have submitted a request for getting the hotfix from the link provided below. I am not sure whether that particular hotfix is applicable to my laptop. Previously, I did not succeed with the following hotfix :
When I tried my luck with the above hotfix, I got a message saying that it was not applicable for my pc.
I would appreciate any help in identifying the right hotfix for my laptop - XPS 1330 with win vista.
The message that I get at the final stage of startup is :
WMI provider host has stopped functioning and must abort (this is a translation from swedish).
I give below the full details from the events viewer :
Händelsenamn: APPCRASH
Programnamn: wmiprvse.exe
Programversion: 6.0.6000.16386
Programtidsstämpel: 4549af45
Namn på felmodul: StackHash_c9d6
Modulens version: 6.0.6000.16386
Tidsstämpel för felmodul: 4549bdc9
Undantagskod: c0000374
Undantagsförskjutning: 000af1c9
OS-version: 6.0.6000.
Språkvariant-ID: 1053
Ytterligare information 1: c9d6
Ytterligare information 2: 32601128990215e13ed2ff5bda997d6d
Ytterligare information 3: 6f23
Ytterligare information 4: d9c2eb8314b44b949633d22e1f04595b
Extra information om problemet
Bucket-ID: 347719248
I hope that these details suffice to identify the problem.
253 Posts
March 8th, 2008 19:00
are you used McAfee Spamkiller?
6 Posts
March 8th, 2008 21:00
136 Posts
March 9th, 2008 09:00
No, I am using only Norton, the version included by Dell bundled with the computer
253 Posts
March 9th, 2008 11:00
I think the problem is some type of conflict between "security center" on Vista and various 3rd party antivirus programs.
Go to control panel--administrative tools--services (use default view if you can't find it). Scroll down to "Windows Management Instrumentation" (sort by name) and click "stop service" on the left. You will get a prompt telling you what programs will be affected (mostly b.s. and security center), but go ahead and do it. BYE BYE annoying message. McAffee works fine after this so you're "protected with your antivirus software.
For completion sake, also ran msconfig in the run pane, clicked on services and disabled Windows Management Instrumentation there too. (you can also get there by control panel--system configuration).
the computer is running like a dream
Good Luck
253 Posts
March 9th, 2008 11:00
and see the result
To get McAfee to stop alerting you that SpamKiller is disabled, Open McAfee
Security Center, go to the lower left corner and click on Configure. Go to
Protection Status->Advanced->Ignored Problems. Check "Spam filtering is
turned off"->OK.
136 Posts
March 9th, 2008 13:00
Thanks for the suggestion, but I repeat that the computer came from Dell with Norton installed (with 18 months of included subscription) and not McAfee. And Norton is still running and I didn' change anything
Shall I follow equivalent steps, provided that something equivalent exists with Norton?
Waiting for your comments
6 Posts
March 9th, 2008 19:00
Would Dell officially care to comment?
PS. This is not to take away the credit for your help, alot4u. Many, many thanks for your help.
253 Posts
March 9th, 2008 23:00
giampaolo I think you should do what i suggested before, and tell me the result
ravi.118 try it too and hit me with result
and No responsibility for dell, cos we are still tring to solve
and dell opend this community to help us, so plz, dell had nothing with it
Good luck every 1
136 Posts
March 10th, 2008 20:00
Please confirm that doing the same with Norton instead with Mcafee is riskless
253 Posts
March 10th, 2008 23:00
Sorry giampaolo, But Who am I to confirm that!!
6 Posts
March 11th, 2008 11:00
I have tried to implement your suggestion about switching off the spamkiller function in Macafee. I did that and even took the tickmark away on the spamstopping option in the advanced configuration settings. Alas, the wmi error turned out to be beast which refused to disappear. I turned off the pc and restarted a couple of times. This did not help. Status quo prevailed. I got the same error message. I have not tried the other option about changes in the control panel.
I am waiting now for some new ideas.
253 Posts
March 11th, 2008 16:00
ravi.118, I think you should try the other option....
6 Posts
March 11th, 2008 17:00
I tried the other option as well. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry now. The wmi error message does not appear. That is positive. However, I get a message from an icon in the system tray on the bottom right of the desktop that several start programs have been blocked. When I click on that to find out more, I find that apart from windows management instrumentation, many other services have been blocked as well. For example, windows remote management and windows defender. Many others as well, but these are the ones nearest to the instrumentation service. When I click on the windows security service in the control panel, I find that it signals red - all protection is off. On the Mcafee window, however, I see green - the protection is on. I don't understand what is happening.
The wmi error message was iritating. It came up after every start. Very irritating. But it was still just a mosquito bite and just required that the window be closed. With all these new changes, however, I feel that I am in deep water with very little swimming ability.