
This post is more than 5 years old

5 Posts


October 4th, 2002 03:00

Outlook Express spell checker missing

Any idea why my Dimension 2300 which was purchased from the Small Business unit doesn't have the spell check tab in Outlook Express options? I purchased a Dimension 4500 from the Home and Home Office unit the same day as my 2300 and my 4500 has spell check in Outlook Express. Thanks.

October 4th, 2002 05:00


Do you have Word or Works installed? OE uses the spell checker from one of the MS word processing programs.


October 4th, 2002 05:00

Hi Goon,

You must be bored & up late!

I'm taking a break from trying to get my Linux system fixed. For some reason, I can't get any packages installed. Are you into Linux?


2.4K Posts

October 4th, 2002 05:00

Unless I'm mistaken, if you don't have MS Works or MS Office installed, you won't have MS Word, which is what supplies the dictionary function for Outlook Express. Do you have Works or Office on the system? I read somewhere that Excel and Power Point will provide the spelling checker function for OE as well, but I can't verify this from personal experience.

If you do in fact have one of the required programs installed, there may be a problem with the installation.

2.4K Posts

October 4th, 2002 05:00

Pardon me, Steve.


2 Posts

December 1st, 2002 22:00

go to this site:


get the file aspei128.zip (number 62).  I just installed it and it seems to work fine.  no way am i messing about with registries and that.

1 Message

January 9th, 2003 06:00

I just wanted to THANK YOU for that link!!  I was SO disappointed when I found that my new computer with Windows XP Home Edition didn't offer spell checking in Outlook Express as did my old computer with Windows 98!  I had scoured the net looking for a tweak or download to fix it, and you're the only one who knew how!!

You really made my day and I just thought you'd want to know.

Thanks a BUNCH!!!   I'm happy now!


1 Message

January 17th, 2003 23:00

Hello! I wanted to thank you for the link for the spell checker for my outlook. It works great!! Your great. Thanks!! Billi

1 Message

January 18th, 2003 22:00

 Thanks a lot for this site. I just got my new windows xp set up and couldn't find my spell checker.

1 Message

January 26th, 2003 07:00

I was unable to bring your website suggestion in getting spell check on my outlook express since my system came with Corel. I know that there is spell check in the Corel software.

Can you please confrim how I can get spell check in my outlook express.


Thank you,




11.9K Posts

January 26th, 2003 12:00

@duck4121 wrote:

I was unable to bring your website suggestion in getting spell check on my outlook express since my system came with Corel. I know that there is spell check in the Corel software.

Can you please confrim how I can get spell check in my outlook express.

The spell checker in WP (Corel) does not work with OE.  You need to find a third party product.  If you do a search of DellTalk using the Search function, you will see that a moderator suggested several products.

1 Message

January 27th, 2003 09:00


I have been trying to access the site: www.filelibrary.com/Contents/Windows/131/1.html to download aspei128.zip.

I cannot open this site. Do you have a copy of this file you could send me if I mail you a disk with a SASE?


11.9K Posts

February 5th, 2003 21:00

@hollyken wrote:
I down loaded aspei128.zip now how do I get it to work on outlook express.?

Zip files have to be unzipped.  In Windows XP, double click on the file.

3 Posts

February 5th, 2003 21:00

I down loaded aspei128.zip now how do I get it to work on outlook express.?

1 Message

February 10th, 2003 00:00


I also have the same problem with outlook express with no spell check. I downloaded aspei 128 zip. Now I have it how do I link it to my e-mail. I also have a dell 2300 recently purchase.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


3 Posts

February 15th, 2003 21:00

I still have the same problem, cannot link the file to Outlook express. I even downloaded my old Microsoft Work  that came with Windows 95 & still no spell check. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


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