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April 20th, 2017 06:00

E6430 Windows PE 10.0.14393.0 BlueScreen


we just encountered that some E6430 got a bluescreen while trying to image this computer with a task sequence. In detail, the computer bluescreens while initializing hardware devices (reference by pointer) within Windows PE. We are already using the latest Windows 10 PE Driver Pack and even in the comments listed in this article, it seems that some other people also encountering the problem.

My question is if someone already found a solution for this problem. Which driver is missing, as i do get an IP during the Windows PE phase, hence it can´t be the network driver!



May 18th, 2017 13:00

I changed the Serial ATA settings in my BIOS to fix this issue with the WINPE10 drivers causing a blue screen. I had two options under that BIOS page tab. Compatibility or some abbreviation. I switched the option to compatibility and it loads the KBE correctly now.

3 Posts

April 26th, 2017 04:00

nobody has an idea?

May 18th, 2017 13:00

I tried to submit my answer to your reply and I'm not sure the site took it. I changed my Serial ATA settings in the BIOS of the machine I was having bluescreen issues with and that resolved it. The options under Serial ATA were compatibility or some abbreviation. I changed it from the abbreviation to compatibility and WInPE10 KBE loads fine now without bluescreen issues.

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