This post is more than 5 years old
2 Posts
March 21st, 2012 06:00
McAfee Security Center help
I bought a Dell Inspiron 1545 for my daughter a little over a year ago. At the time I bought it, I also subscribed to the McAfee Security Center offer that came up when I turned on the computer. When the subscription to McAfee Security Center expired a couple of months ago, I decided to purchase the McAfee AntiVirus Plus from a local retailer and installed that. Every now and then, I would notice that the McAfee AntiVirus Plus would be uninstalled and the McAfee Security Center reinstalled. The McAfee Security Center software would then prompt me if I would like to renew the license. I called McAfee Tech Support. After some time trying to diagnose the problem, the McAfee Tech Support engineer told me that the system is restoring to manufacturer settings. My question is, how do I turn this off? How do I stop the McAfee Security Center software from reinstalling?
2 Posts
March 23rd, 2012 05:00
The McAfee Tech Support looked into my computer to make sure that there were no other versions of McAfee installed. They did not find any other than the McAfee AntiVirus Plus that I had installed from a CD I had purchased a couple of months ago. As I mentioned in my original post, I have found myself having to reinstall my new McAfee AntiVirus Plus because the McAfee Security Center one would time-and-again remove it and reinstall itself.
With regard to the subscription information on the "problematic" McAfee Security Center software, it expired on 1/22/2012.
174 Posts
April 11th, 2012 23:00
Important note for everyone. Due to the plethora of problems caused by McAfee's security programs, I recommend you DUMP McAfee.
You MUST run McAfee's removal tool after uninstalling any McAfee program. Even when you are going to install a different McAfee product. McAfee interferes with many programs and causes problems even if it is installed properly. The problem is that McAfee has so many linkages in the registry with parts and pieces of the program scattered in many different locations. If you don't know where they all are and pieces of the program are left, those pieces cause problems with a clean installation and smooth use of McAfee security program(s).
I have found the following method to be the best to get rid on all remnants of McAfee.
1) Download and install REVO Uninstaller here: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Uninstallers/Revo-Uninstaller.shtml . REVO does a much more thorough job of uninstalling programs than the Windows Add/Remove Programs does. It cleans more of a program's pieces from the registry.
2) Download & Save to your Desktop McAfee's Consumer Removal Tool (MCPR.EXE) here: http://service.mcafee.com/FAQDocument.aspx?lc=1033&id=TS101331
3) Run REVO Uninstaller to uninstall McAfee. Reboot on completion.
4) Run a good safe registry cleaner such as CCleaner. Reboot.
5) Run the McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool (MCPR.exe). Reboot. All the Reboots help to clean up any leftovers.
6) Install the new AntiVirus program.
I find one of the best to be the FREE Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) loated here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/products/security-essentials Unlike McAfee, it is very fast. I used McAfee for years until recently and it could take over 8 hours to complete a scan. MSE does not interfere with other programs. It speeds up boot time significantly compared to McAfee. Renewals are free also. There are one or two other Free antivirus programs available that are also BETTER than McAfee. IMSE is easy to use and is not only antivirus, but antimalware including all kinds of bots, worms, trojans, spyware, and other unwanted software.
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
20.5K Posts
April 12th, 2012 13:00
Thank you for your opinion, tacoslammer. I'm glad that your MSE is working well for you. There are many opinions on what might be the "best" security software. There is no one anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware program that finds everything. Many of the volunteers at Dell Community use a layered approach. The regular members here are quite happy with McAfee, Eset, or other security that seems to be working well for them.
While I use CCleaner for cleaning temps and such, I do not agree with your #4 suggestion. So called "registry cleaners" and registry cleaning components of general utilities can aggravate a situation and take steps we are many times not manually aware of.
It is better not to resort to such programs if you don't know what is happening with the proposed fix and the registry.
Otherwise, a change to the registry can make a system unbootable by one mistake.
Here are some good discussions:
If you absolutely must use a registry cleaner, always backup the registry first:
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
April 12th, 2012 14:00
I would like to offer my support for the comments made here by both Bugbatter and RedDawn... as well as to commend them for the ongoing quality of their work throughout these forums.
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
20.5K Posts
April 12th, 2012 14:00
That is excellent advice, RD! :emotion-21:
Thank you for sharing!
2 Intern
2 Intern
5.8K Posts
April 12th, 2012 16:00
I'm glad we have a V&S regular here to answer all the McAfee questions. Nice post RD!
Another point worth making, is that a few years back we started seeing a fair number of posts on this forum about problems with McAfee in relation to other AVs. One might conclude that McAfee was more problematic than other AVs.
It wasn't until I purchased my latest Dell last year that I realised that Dell pre-installs only McAfee security suites on all its models (at least on all I was considering), with no option to decline it. A quick look at a few models currently offered confirms this is still apparently the practice.
So it is no surprise that we see mainly problems with McAfee posted here, mostly from new users. After all, who wants to uninstall a program they have already paid for? And I suspect most users prefer the convenience of an "all-in-one" security suite.
I've used AVs from at least 7 vendors over the years, and can't recall one where I didn't have to search the product's help forum to solve problems or answer questions I had.
2 Intern
2 Intern
1K Posts
April 12th, 2012 18:00
I ran McAfee for a couple of years without any problems and as Joe said you will see more complains about McAfee here in the forums is because DeLL offers McAfee preinstalled in its machines and you are not going to waste 15 or 24 months of a program that you paid for.
I also agree with RD. Not a good idea to use Revo to uninstall any security program. Just a fact. When uninstalling the program, it will ask for a reboot which it has to be ignored for Revo to continue to look for the registry leftovers. So making the complete uninstall reboot procedure short handed. Moreover when Revo has deleted those registry keys in charge of the uninstall procedure.
Good place to find original uninstall utilities for security programs and instructions:
174 Posts
April 16th, 2012 14:00
Well I did not think I would cause such a firestorm. No doubt you are all more expert on antivirus programs than I am.
I should point out that I did indicate it was necessary to run McAfee's removal tool, contrary to RD's implication.
Regarding McAfee's interfeering with many programs and causes problems even when installed properly. That is true. It happens more than RD's "from time to time" and more often than is reported. One just runs the McAfee auto-technician program that fixes the problem and it contiinues work. Even McAfee's own information lists a plethora of programs that conflict with McAfee. Consequently, I think McAfee is still more problematic than other antivirus programs.
I had been using McAfee for over 6 years with periodic problems requiring use of McAfee Virtual Technician to fix the problem. Sometimes McAfee had to be completely reinstalled. In March 2010 McAfee pushed out a bad DAT file #5859. This caused my system to crash and unable to reboot. It too about three months to finally resolve, The disk McAfee sent out world wide to fix the problem did not fix mine. Their tech service was finally able to help resolve the issue by having me install Ubuntu Linux to get files from my hard disk transferred to another one and then reinstalling Windows. We had a very difficult time doing the reinstallation and had to use Ubuntu to format the HDD so Windows could be installed from disc. Then the problem of getting all the files and drivers for WinXP SP3 - the Dell installion disc did not include SP3. It was June before my PC was back to operational. McAfee provided a two year extention to their program expiration. I installed MSE earlier this year before the final expiration due to contunued problems with McAfee. The McAfee techs informed me they have many problems with McAfee interfeering with other programs even beyond their reported problem program list. A bad dat file could happen with any antivirus program, but not to this extent. Every Dat file pushed out should be tested and put through the worst situations before release.
Now with REVO Uninstaller, I should have mentioned to only use the Medium removal choice as I do. Even if registry items needed to complete the uninstall process are removed, that is why it is necessary to run McAfee's removal tool afterwards to remove any remanants and follow up with CCleaner. The point of a register cleaner here is that remanants are still left after using McAfee's removal tool. If not a canned registry cleaner, then use Regedit and search for McAfee to find the last of the hooks. For those not comfortable with Regedit is the reason for CCleaner. CCleaner is probably the safest registry cleaner plus other handy features.
Now contrary to some implications, Microsoft Security Essentials provides complete antimalware protection (viruses, spyware, worms, trojans, rookkits, and more) per Microsoft. I use a layered approach as some have mentioned; i.e.use other non-realtime programs for antimalware, sypbots, adware, etc.
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
May 11th, 2012 11:00
Choxbar wrote: "Seconding CCleaner to remove McAfee". CCleaner does NOT remove the McAfee program. It may help remove some of the temp files created by McAfee, but the program itself will remain.
Choxbar wrote: " Get something like Avast, ZoneAlarm, or Malwarebytes instead". Use of "or" implies the user has a choice, to select one of the 3 programs mentioned. Avast (free) is an anti-virus. ZoneAlarm (free) is a firewall. MalwareBytes (free) is an anti-malware scanner/remover --- the PRO (paid) version offers real-time protection. All three may be combined (i.e., used together), to form a "security suite". [I'm not keen on ZoneAlarm, but that's another matter.] So it's not an "either-or" decision.
The decision on whether to use (or keep) McAfee is up to the individual user. Like Choxbar, I am not a McAfee fan. But for those who paid for it, use it, and are happy with it, there is no reason to drop it just because others have issues with it. [Emphasis on users who "are happy with it" ... anyone who is UNhappy with McAfee (or any other program) should certainly consider viable alternatives.]
3 Posts
May 11th, 2012 11:00
Seconding CCleaner to remove McAfee. Get something like Avast, ZoneAlarm, or Malwarebytes instead. McAfee is terrible. What you have on your hands is basically a "legal" ransomware application that is hounding you. "Legal" because it is McAfee's own program.
You may want to download malwarebytes free and scan your system with it ASAP. you probably have a goodly amount of viruses on board that McAfee didn't catch.
Hal Wade
7 Posts
February 11th, 2013 09:00
Not sure if this thread is too old for anyone to see my question. A lot of great information here! for someone computer stupid as myself I did understand a lot of it. If this is not the place to ask this please link me or let me know where to go for answers.
I purchased my XPS8500 Windows 8) in Dec. 2012. It has been a great choice and ran amazing. I'm careful with opening suspicious emails or sites and have had no problems. I also do not leave my computer running all the time. I shut it down when finished each day. The 1 year McAfee software was an included option to download. I did not download it until 3 days ago. Since I installed McAfee my computer will not shut down. I have to hold down the power button until it stops.
I am ready to uninstall McAfee by the above instructions but want to see if it can be fixed.
Can anyone please help?
Thank you! Hal
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
February 11th, 2013 10:00
Hal Wade "want(s) to see if it can be fixed". I'm not sure if you mean, fix the McAfee on your machine, or go through with its removal. Let me comment on the latter first.
Assuming you want to remove McAfee:
1) Open the Control Panel [or its equivalent on Windows 8] and disable any McAfee Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, firewall programs that are running.
2) Open the Control Panel [or its equivalent on Windows 8] to UNinstall the McAfee products you want to get rid of.
3) reboot your system.
4) by this point (or perhaps after step 2), Windows Defender should have automatically turned itself on. This is a new feature of Windows 8. Windows Defender, on Windows 8, is a full-fledged anti-virus program. It's the new name for what used to be called Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) on Windows 7 and earlier versions of Windows. As such, there is no need to download/install MSE on Windows 8... in fact, if you try to do so, it won't let you!!!
If Windows Defender shows as running, you're all set with an anti-virus that replaces McAfee. Just make sure that the Windows Firewall is also turned on.
You can keep Windows Defender, if that's the anti-virus program of your choice. It's a good one. Or you can now install another anti-virus program, if you wish. That's entirely your call.
Assuming Windows Defender automatically came on as I've described, I would not risk running the McAfee Removal Tool (MCPR), as some people have encountered major issues with it.
If instead, your goal is to try to repair your McAfee [your call on that], let us know, and perhaps Red Dawn will be able to assist you further.
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
February 11th, 2013 10:00
Please do NOT follow Tacoslammer's instructions... I will explain in my next post.
174 Posts
February 11th, 2013 10:00
I think you need to explain PDQ! My info is proven to be correct.
The only caveat could have to do with Windows 8. I have not seen anything on McAfee about MCRP not working with Windows 8.
174 Posts
February 11th, 2013 10:00
By all means DUMP McAfee. It causes more problems than it cures. Go to this McAfeesite and read their uninstall instructions: http://service.mcafee.com/FAQDocument.aspx?lc=1033&id=TS101331
Then download MCPR.EXE, Uninstall the McAfee security program installed via the Windows add/remove programs. Reboot and run the McAfee uninstall program MCPR.EXE. Reboot.
Download and install Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) from Microsoft here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/security-essentials-download
An excellent FREE antivirus and antimalware program. It runs in the background and consumes very little resources unlike McAfee. MSE is very fast unlike McAfee. MSE automatically updates with Microsoft update and never costs anything for a subscription. Best antivirus program I have used. I have recommended deleting McAfee for quite sometime and using MSE in its place. I have not heard of any significant problems with MSE. Whereas McAfee was always having some sort of problem and interfered with many programs.