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This post is more than 5 years old


May 18th, 2015 05:00

Which Third-Party Arrays does VMAX and VMAX3 support?


Anyone knows does VMAX or VMAX3 support third-party arrays as vplex? If yes, which third-party arrays does VMAX and VMAX3 support?

2 Intern


522 Posts

May 18th, 2015 06:00

VMAX utilizes FTS (Federated Tiered Storage) to encapsulate or utilize external arrays into the VMAX. It works differently than the VPLEX (2 different technologies), however that sounds like what you are comparing it to.

For VMAX1/2 (5876 ucode), the support matrix of 3rd party arrays is here:

For VMAX3 arrays, FTS is not in the current feature set supported today, but should be added in the near future. If you require it for the V3, check with your account team for specifics.



1 Rookie


8 Posts

May 18th, 2015 19:00


Thanks for your reply.

I find some storage array models in the support matrix, but there isn't the models required by our customer. What should  3rd vendors do if they want to post their storage array models to EMC's FTS support matrix for their customer?  Does EMC open the certification program to 3rd vendors?  Our customer expect to see the result of FTS support their array in the matrix.

Appreciate your input



2 Intern


522 Posts

May 19th, 2015 05:00


To my knowledge it is not an open certification. This is more of an EMC Engineering question, but you could raide it to your account team and EMC VMAX product management if desired. In the interim, if there is an array you would like to put behind the VMAX but is not currently on the support matrix, your best avenue is to engage your EMC account team and work with them to file an RPQ or the like to understand the support that could be offered.



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