This post is more than 5 years old
5 Posts
Venue 11 not able to use iPhone Personal Hotspot
We have several Venue 11 7130 devices we are evaluating before deciding if we want to purchase for all our remote users. None of them have been able to use an iPhone 5 Personal hotspot as a connection to the internet. The hotspot shows as an available connection. The tablet will connect. The hotspot shows briefly as fully connected. But when trying to go to the Internet in IE, you get page not found. TheTablet's weather app says Offline. Nothing that requires access to the internet will work. When you go to Settings and look at the WifI, the persnoal hotspot connection status says "Limited". The iPhone shows that Personal Hotspot has 1 connection.
We have tried multiple iPhones on multiple tablets and they do not work. Is this a known issue? I cannot imagine being the only one to have an issue like this, it is not a defect in a single machine. and an issue like this would be a large barrier to acceptance of this tablet as a viable mobile device.
Connecting via Bluetooth to the iPhone has the same issue as well, shows they are connected, but no access to the internet is available.
J Hickman
5 Posts
March 20th, 2014 09:00
It appears to be caused by an underpowered wireless adapter. The default settings on the Venue 11 need to be changed in Power Options.
Depending on the Power Plan you run, you may need to change the settings for the Power Saver Power Plan as well. Same steps apply as above.
1 Message
June 14th, 2014 06:00
1 Message
October 21st, 2014 16:00
Confirmed fix!!! - Latest Network Adapter Drivers and Latest Bios for Dell Venue 11 Pro 7130
I can now connect to an iPhone4s Personal Hotspot. Before it would connect for a moment and drop. Now it connects and holds the connection.
50 Posts
January 10th, 2014 02:00
I would try two things:
1) while connected see if you've got an APIPA (169.254.x.x) address, and if so, try renewing your IP address.
2) if that doesn't work, then, while connected, disable your NIC and then re-enable it.
Also, I'm not really familiar with the iPhone's hotspot configuration options, but I'd recommend playing around with various SSID and security configurations to see if you can find a combination that works.
17 Posts
January 10th, 2014 04:00
I thought I would try this with a Venue Pro 11 7130 and an Iphone 5s...
It doesn't work for me either, however it is exactly the same on a Surface Pro 2. Both devices are given an IP address, just not getting internet from the Phone.
Using a Lumia 925 as the hotspot works fine on both the tablets, so it looks as if it's something to do with the iPhone.
17 Posts
January 10th, 2014 05:00
So eventually the Surface Pro 2 connected to the iPhone and is now working as expected. The Venue Pro 11 still will not connect.
Both tablets are running the same corporate image of Windows 8.1 Enterprise. Both have all the latest drivers installed.
They also both pick up the same network settings and are given IP addresses from the iPhone.
Both work fine with the Lumia 925 (Windows Phone 8) as a hotspot.
I have no idea now why this isn't working. Any ideas Dell?
50 Posts
January 10th, 2014 06:00
Try one more thing: from a working computer ping a site like Write-down the IP address that's returned. Then connect the Venue 11 Pro to the iPod and see if you can ping the same IP address. If you get replies then at least we've narrowed the issue down to DNS.
8 Posts
January 10th, 2014 09:00
I have the same problem connecting the 5130 to the 5GHz band of my router. It connects, but only in the "Limited" no internet capacity. Seems to be a problem with 8.1, Dell's Wireless drivers, or some combination thereof.
J Hickman
5 Posts
January 14th, 2014 14:00
Nope, no pings. I found a suggestion in another thread that it might be the naming convention the iPhone uses by default, putting a ' charater into the name (ie, jhickman's iphone). I took the ' out of the name, still the same problem. I may get a very brief connection to the internet, actually retreive a web page, but then it switches to Limited connection and I can access nothing .
1 Message
February 14th, 2014 17:00
I have a brand new dell xps and it's doing the same thing running 8.1 and taking the ' off the iphone name at least got me a little further because the wireless now ask me for my hotspot pw. I don't think it's a dns issue. I can ping the gateway. Even when I force a change to make the dns setting to google's dns of, it still can not ping anything. I even tried ping directly with their ip of and I get nothing but destination unreachable. This is serious pain because all my Win7 works just fine with the 5s hotspot.
2 Posts
March 19th, 2014 20:00
Any solutions out there on this? I have a new Dell Venue 11 Pro (7130) and it is exhibiting this exact issue with three separate iPhone 5s devices...clearly it's an issue between the iPhone and Dell and/or Win 8.1 Pro. It is repeatable. WiFi works otherwise and have no issues connecting to other WiFi, just can't tether. My iPhone works fine with my Windows 7 laptop.
I did change the name of my iPhone to remove the superfluous space and the "'s", so it's all one word now. No change -- still doesn't work. Connects to the WiFi, but can not connect to any web-site (using DNS-name or IP address) and shortly thereafter changes to "Limited" connection.
Initially doesn't work with iPad either, however, after several minutes of trying it does finally connect and allow me to reach web-sites. iPad is running IOS 7.0.4 on Verizon. iPhone 5S is running 7.0.6 on Verizon.
1 Message
March 23rd, 2014 11:00
Thank you very much J.
Your solution solved the problem which I've been suffering for 3 weeks, ever since I got my new Dell Venue 11 Pro (7130). I hope Dell will come out with a proper solution to the problem soon.
2 Posts
March 23rd, 2014 19:00
Thank you so much for your response. I have to say, I have spent days looking for potential solutions and trying all of them to no avail, however, this does seem to have solved the problem. Bizarre, as the wireless adapter works without a hitch on dozens of other WiFi networks -- just no iPhone 5s (and potentially other iPhones, but I only had access to 3 separate iPhone 5s phones).
Instructional design
1 Message
May 21st, 2014 10:00
Ii had the same problem with my new xps and iphone 4. i made a new power plan that i called 'iphone' with the settings that you described and it works great! Thank you!
2 Posts
June 9th, 2014 09:00
Thanks J this worked for me as a temporary fix. I hope Dell create a driver fix to supply the correct amount of power for wireless N. I think its something along those lines.