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June 30th, 2021 15:00

USB DVDRW drive won't play CDs in car

Not sure if this is the right forum, but I couldn't find a better place to ask. I brought a bunch of CDs on vacation, only to find that the rental car doesn't have a CD player. I bought a Dell USB DVDRW drive and plugged it into the car's USB port. The car seemed to recognize the drive as an iPod, but it wouldn't recognize any CDs I put into it. I could hear the CD whirring in the drive, but the screen only said, "Please check your USB device or iPod." (And yes, the speakers were on.) I pressed every icon and button on the radio, messed around with the settings, reset all the settings to the factory default, turned the car off and on, and tried multiple CDs. Nothing worked. My laptop has no trouble playing CDs, so I don't think the problem is with the drive. The car says my device is mass storage class, which I read can interfere with some car radios, but I can't figure out how to change it. I'm really disappointed about this - any ideas?

3 Apprentice


589 Posts

July 2nd, 2021 07:00

The car most likely doesn't support USB connected CD drives. To my knowledge, I don't think any car with a USB port does. A data CD with supported audio files (MP3, AAC, etc.) may work, but not your typical audio CDs.

A better option, if the car has it, is to use a portable audio CD player with the anti-skip feature and use an audio cable to connect it to the car's auxiliary port from the CD player's line out port.



26.1K Posts

July 1st, 2021 09:00

We tried reaching you on a private message asking for the Service Tag number to ascertain the warranty but did not receive a response. Please feel free to reply to the private message whenever you are available.

1 Message

August 26th, 2022 06:00

Hello Madeleined2. Are aligned on your above question? Did you solve your playback issue? I am seeking a solution myself. I'm wondering if an adaptor going from USB female receptacle to a 1/8" male tip mini plug might solve it! If your radio etc. has an AUX input, that is. Do you know if such an adaptor exists? Thanks, dinosoar.

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