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1 Rookie


1 Message


December 18th, 2019 13:00

File Error Exact Audio Copy External Slim DVD +/- RW

I recently purchased a Dell External Slim DVD +/- drive which I was assured works with CDs. I used Exact Audio Copy to import CD's onto the hardrive of my new Inspiron 7391 2n1. I am Running Windows 10 1903. 

I have never had a problem copying or importin audio before and at first the Dell external drive worked seamlessly. I think I copied 4 or 5 CD;s but then I got a File read error followed by a File Error message for every track. I figured the external drive was defective and bought a second one and it copied the first 7 tracks on a CD but then began to exhibit the same problem reading the file on the last track and now I can't copy any music. I don't think it is Exact Audio since it worked but then began to develop the problem i.e. working at first then not working, but I don't know what to do to correct the problem and I need Exact Audio because it lets me convert to flac. Help

3 Apprentice


596 Posts

January 16th, 2020 19:00

Can you successfully rip CDs using another program? Windows Media Player for example? (Which does support ripping to FLAC under Windows 10).

If the disc that you are trying to copy/rip is extremely damaged, this might be the problem. In my experience, damaged audio CD's tend to cause communication problems with USB interfaced drives. If Windows gets hung up trying to read a damaged disc after so many seconds, it will essentially ignore the drive and act as if it isn't connected. Unplugging/re-plugging the drive's USB cable restores communication.

Assuming that you have the DW316 model, I can see if I have any issues as I have that model as well as EAC on my computer.

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