
This post is more than 5 years old

2 Posts


December 16th, 2011 10:00

What do we replace replistor with after it goes end of life

Replistor will be dead in a few years.   What are other products that people are planning to go to?

We use Replistor in a many to one configuration. It backs up our remote plants to one server here which we then back up to tape.

I need network bandwidth throttling. 

I need byte-level data replication to keep the amount of data crossing the wan links down.

We only need to back up windows servers (2003/2008r2) with it.

106 Posts

December 16th, 2011 12:00

Dear customer,

EMC does not have a direct feature for feature replacement for RepliStor. RecoverPoint is the closest EMC provided alternative as far as I know.

The End of Service Life (as well as EMC Support) for RepliStor is the 1st quarter of 2013. This has been made public so that customers, such as yourself, will have time to test and make replacement decisions that best suit their individual needs.

At this point EMC has not officially recommended any specific product as a direct replacement for RepliStor. Please contact your local EMC sales engineer for any additional information of which I am not aware.

Also, continue to monitor this Forum for new information or recommendations from this RepliStor Forum community.


1 Attachment

February 3rd, 2012 08:00

We just purchase a product from Cofio Software, AIMstor to replace our 35 site Replistor environment.  We just had to uninstall Replistor and install and agent, create a data flow, and re-sync.  Almost no data had to transmitted across to perform a resync.  Very nice, plus the backup pierce works well with replication, it moves data only once and we have sync-ed file systems and backup with CDP and File Versioning all in a single movement of data.



The interface rocks!   Very happy.  


1 Message

May 2nd, 2012 14:00

You should look at replacing any host based replication product with Double-Take by Vision Solutions.

Many of the features that were a part of Replistor are a part of Double-Take, as DT is the market leader in Windows host based replication and has been around for over 15 years as a product/solution.

There are several types of recovery workflows that you can use for HA/DR along with the ability to have multiple point in time recovery of the data.

Double-Take is a real-time byte level replication product, has multiple levels of in-band compression options (WAN friendly), allows bandwidth throttling along with many other options for the data flow and connections.


1 Message

May 31st, 2012 03:00

You could replace Replistor with any of the market competitors such as the one mentioned above, I believe the closest matches are Double-Take, Neverfail, and SteelEye.

I will talk about the technology we use in our organisation- SteelEye, it is owned by SIOS Tecnology and is still constantly being modified and updated with new features.

Availiable in the UK through www.openminds.co.uk.

www.steeleye.com company website

June 6th, 2012 15:00

I disagree that Double Take is close to Replistor, Double Take is an "HA" product that costs about $2,000/server and doesn't lend well to multi-site replication many to one or one to many.   Neverfails is in the same boat.

Cofio's AIMstor Replication is free form replication, one to many and many to one and mirroring.  Its is very price effective compared to the others.  It also have versioning, CDP, and Live Backup, dedupe at the source, and has this totally cool interface. 

We found AIMstor extremely easy to trial and the company was willign to work out any issues with deployment and training.   Give these guys a try.

2 Posts

June 7th, 2012 05:00

After looking at AIMstor and others we also bought AIMstor to replace Replistor.

They even have a promotion (i am not sure for how long) for a discount for Replistor user to buy their product.

262 Posts

June 7th, 2012 17:00

I tested the CA ARCserve Replication.

This product will be an alternative to the RepliStor.

1 Message

March 19th, 2013 04:00

Attunity Repliweb EFR is currently the market leader for Enterprise File Replication, and the ideal replacement for Replistor. You can get a 15-day free evaluation http://www.attunity.com/products/attunity-efr-r1-r

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