
4 Posts


July 8th, 2021 14:00

Unable to acces IDRAC when connecting laptop to IDRAC port.

I am attempting to download hardware information from old Dell Poweredge Servers by connecting to IDRAC.  I set my notebook to IP range of the IDRAC by using the default IP to access but cannot connect. I can ping the but cannot connect.

Any advice on how I can access.  Also, I was able to access a few other Dell Servers via IDRAC but cannot access any right now.

Thanks for your assistance!

~ J



3.6K Posts

July 8th, 2021 21:00



I notice you mentioned about you were able to access to few iDRAC but currently not possible. I may suggest checking the laptop network configuration, alternative, try various internet browsers. Clear the cache and history.


Have you tried direct cable connection from server to laptop? 


What is the network port LED indicator status?


I may suggest to access to the server's BIOS and try setting a new IP for the iDRAC and verify the settings are correct. Alternative, if the other PowerEdge servers are connected on the same network, try using the server's OS browser to access the mentioned issue server. Also, make sure all iDRAC IP of all of the servers, have no conflicted IPs.

4 Posts

July 12th, 2021 12:00

Hello Joey.


Thanks for your response.  To answer your questions, I am currently connecting a crossover cable from my laptop directly to the iDRAC port on the back of the server.  The servers are not connected to the network.  I am attempting to connect with the server and export server hardware information.

I am using the iDRAC IP to access the IDRAC portal.  I was able to access the portal on two of the servers I connected too.  However, I was not able to access the portal on any other servers.

This is the process I am using to access the iDRAC portal:

  1. Set notebook to IP range of the iDRAC. iDRAC will be dhcp, but when it fails, it should set some static IP. Look it up (however, idrac's default ip when no available dhcp is available should be ... i believe).
  2. Connect pc or mac to the ethernet port of the idrac.
  3. Open web browser to IP of iDRAC
  4. login to idrac with: username passwords to try: root/password or root/Root1234 or vendor default root/calvin
  5. After login, click on System Inventory
  6. Click on Hardware Inventory
  7. Click on Export and wait for the xml to download
  8. Save XML to your disk with the following file naming convention: CABINET_RU_filename.xml

If you have any other solutions they will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.




4K Posts

July 12th, 2021 13:00

Hello Jerry,


You mention it will respond to ping. Did you try clear browser cache and try different browsers?


Have you cleared the NVRAM?

Clear NVRAM  -Shut down. Set the NVRAM jumper on the system board to clear position. There should be a  map behind the cover. Boot up to the jumper error, shut down, return jumper to default position. Power up and check results.



There is another way to get the hardware inventory I believe you are looking for.  Check if this is the report you need and if you can export it from the LifeCycle Controller:

Boot to F10 > Hardware Configuration > Hardware Inventory




Another option is to reset the DRAC, reconfigure, connect via notebook.


Reset the DRAC:

Boot to F2 > iDRAC Settings, Reset iDRAC configurations to defaults. Save exit reboot


Reconfigure the DRAC:

Boot to F2 > iDRAC Settings > Network. 


Configure IP


Set  connection being used to  LOM1, (the Dedicated port is only active on Enterprise DRAC)



Configure notebook:


Configure IP


Connect notebook NIC cable to LOM1 and use browser to connect to DRAC IP. Default credentials are user: root, password: calvin.



I hope this helps you.

4 Posts

July 14th, 2021 11:00

Thank You Charles R.  I was able to reset all Dell servers to factory settings, set IP Address and download the hardware inventory information.

Thanks for your help!

~ J

3 Posts

May 4th, 2023 02:00

Hello Charles, im stuck on  a power edge R730. Cannot access through F2, F10, F11.

when i pressed on keyboard, it highlights but not getting in any of these.

Can only get in configuration utility through ctrl-R or ctrl-S.

Tried to connect through the Idrac port using default, didnt work.

Cleared the NVRAM also using the jumper.

How can we manually reset the device ?

Thank you.



3.4K Posts

May 4th, 2023 07:00


please try to reset the iDRAC https://dell.to/3VuCe0t


Do you have any further questions?


Regards Martin

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