This post is more than 5 years old
12 Posts
PC Tuneup Software
Hi Everybody
Running Widows Xp SP3 on a Dimension 9200
Making a mistake I needed to reformat my hard drive and re-install using Dell recovery disc.
(Dont ask.......... a self inflicted wound made worse by my failure to 'backup')
I have easily downloaded and re-installed most of my lost software except PCTuneup
I have had a hell of a lot of difficulty in obtaining a download link to the product (I have the registration key)
The supplying merchant does no more than 'auto respond' to my requests sending me the original invoice (which I had kept anyway) and its download link which is broken.
I knew the link was broken (probably timed out) as I had already tried
This software branded Dell is actually a disguised version of the well known Iolo 'System Mechanic'
Iolo refer me back to Dell.
All I want is a simple link that does not demand further payment.
My licence has more than 7 months to run
So two questions
1) Can anyone in the group point me to a working link ?
2) Does the group consider the software worth the effort ? Maybe I am better off with it cleansed from my system
There are many different points of view of this kind of product some thinking itt can do more harm than good
Mary G
4 Operator
4 Operator
20.1K Posts
September 10th, 2010 15:00
See if this helps: Dell PC Tuneup You will need to have your account info to sign in. I think leaving it off your system is the best option. Lots of problems reported by posters here on the forum.