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This post is more than 5 years old


June 15th, 2004 14:00

PC(IBM Netvista) Reboots when printing from a Dell Printer

When the user prints for the first time in the morning, the PC will shut off. The PC it pluged into a battery backup and the Printer (es2500) is pluged into the wall socket. I was thinking that the printer was draining the power.  any suggestions?

June 20th, 2004 00:00

We are seeing the same problem with a W5200N.  It seems to be when the printer comes out of Power Save mode.  There is a large click and one of our PCs reboots.  We do not have that problem with our Lexmark 634 though.


470 Posts

July 7th, 2004 12:00

Never ever connect your printer to UPS. Never.
It takes a lot of power to heat up the fuser when needed, so do not ruin it by connecting to UPS.
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