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14 Posts


July 5th, 2022 18:00

NVIDIA Quadro P3000 Nightmare

Precision 7720 Windows 10 with Intel and NVIDIA Quadro P3000 GPUs.

This NVIDIA card worked fine for years, but in the last 6 months constant BSOD with an NVIDIA error. Tried the latest and old drivers. None seem to eliminate the issue.

Latest problem is Photoshop won't recognize the P3000, only the Intel card. I've gone into System, Display, Settings and assigned Photoshop and other intensive programs to use the NVIDIA, but they won't. I've gone into the NVIDIA panel and for 3D settings done the same thing, assigned graphic intensive programs to the NVIDIA. No luck.

And just now when Photoshop was open an unable to recover from kernel error related to NVIDIA.

Any advice? Thanks.

6 Posts

July 5th, 2022 22:00

Hey! So I'm going through a very similar problem.  It's been going on since about July 1st, or maybe end of June.  I have an Inspiron 7591 2-in-1 with integrated Intel and NVIDIA GeForce MX250. 

I started having Photoshop freeze up and when I'd go to restart PS it would give the "Your graphics processor is incompatible" and only detect Intel and not NVIDIA. 

Photoshop incompatible graphics.jpg

Here are all the things I've tried so far:

  1. Uninstalled Photoshop (23.4.1) and reinstalled a prior release (23.3.2). No dice. Updated back to 23.4.1.
  2. NVIDIA Control Panel, set Preferred GP to Hi-Perf NVIDIA, and individual programs, set Photoshop to NVIDIA and sniffer to NVIDIA. Then noticed the "Windows OS now manages the selection of graphics processor. Open Windows graphics settings".  Doh!  This may be because it's Windows 10 Home and not Pro?
  3. In Windows Graphics Settings, set Photoshop and sniffer to High Performance. 
  4. Dell had me uninstall NVIDIA Driver but NOT check the box to delete all Driver Software. Restart. Things were OK. Next day, using Photoshop, switch to Chrome for a bit, back to PS and it froze.  NOTE: When this happens, NVIDIA GPU goes to 0% AND the temperature display disappears.  (When working, it rarely goes above 10% and never above 60 degrees C.)  Photoshop doesn't say it's not responding or anything, it's just inoperable and displays a bunch of screens all gobbled around.
  5. Next, Dell has me uninstall ALL Display Driver and ALL Monitor Drivers. Run the same BIOS update I already ran back in May. Restart and download and reinstall all drivers. 
  6. Things were OK for about a day.  Now I can only use Photoshop for a few minutes and if I switch to another program at all, NVIDIA seems to die.  Driver says it's working properly. Photoshop doesn't say it's Not Responding even.


14 Posts

July 6th, 2022 05:00

Sorry you are in the same boat. I'm convinced it isn't the card, it's something in the configuration of things.

Adobe points to NVIDIA, NVIDIA points to Dell. I'm now wondering if there is a Windows solution to this issue.

Let me do some more troubleshooting today and I will gladly share what I find out.

Thanks for sharing what you did.

14 Posts

July 6th, 2022 07:00

My TDR Level was already at 8. Rats.

14 Posts

July 6th, 2022 07:00

Thanks. I'm going to try that because Dell says I either need to reset and reintall everything (no confidence that will work) or get a new computer. They do not sell a replacement card for this and the P3000 is pretty old. I've seen prices for used ones from $300-$600 and that makes no sense to invest that much. Plus I'd have to install it and that's no picnic.

Will report back if your idea works. I agree. I think it HAS to be some sort of conflict due to a recent update. I think we are early reporters of it, but it will likely start blowing up in Adobe forums.

6 Posts

July 6th, 2022 07:00

I agree!  I can't help but feel like it's some kind of performance setting.  

My hubs found this:

Here's what it says:


Windows will only wait so long for a response from your graphics card before resetting it. There is a setting in the operating system called Timeout Detection Recovery that controls how long Windows will wait.

The default setting is only 2 seconds, but if you go and change it to 8 seconds, you may find your problems with Photoshop crashing are solved. How do you do it?

Simply open the Run command from the Start menu and type in ‘regedit’. This will open up the registry editor window. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, go to SYSTEM, go to CurrentControlSet, go to Control, and go to GraphicsDrivers.

Select DWORD (32-bit Windows) or QWORD (64-bit Windows). Name it TdrDelay and hit enter. Now double-click to select TdrDelay and put 8 in the Value data. Select OK, close out the Registry Editor, and restart your computer.



I'm just nervous to mess with something like that though.  That'll be total last resort.

14 Posts

July 6th, 2022 16:00

Tried bumping it up to 24, seen others when as high as 60. It didn't help.

Dell says I need to wipe that machine or a new graphics card, but I'm not convinced. Plus you can only get used for this machine and the P3000 is near end of life updates.

Keep me posted. Adobe seems to acknowledge this can be an issue. Hmmmmm.

14 Posts

July 8th, 2022 16:00

Not a solution, but I can go to my Device Manager, disable the NVIDIA, then re-enable and it shows up in my programs and works for a while.

Going to use DDU Display Driver Uninstaller to do a clean install of the latest driver one more time. If that doesn't work I'm going to go back to a driver that did work well several months ago. Convinced it's not my computer. Card tests fine. Computer shows no missing or corrupt Windows files. No way I'm resetting this machine.

6 Posts

July 8th, 2022 19:00

.  Good to know.  And hey, thank you for keeping me updated. This is my livelihood and I too agree - it's not the graphics card. It works fine with EVERY other program, under every test... 

So after my remote session with , he said he was going to research and get back to me in 24 hours. Next day, he had me go to NVIDIA and download a "Studio Driver" version. Problem was, after I got it installed, I haven't been able to reach -=again and everyone else is pretty much like "OK, is your computer plugged in?".  

With the "Studio Driver" version, I no longer have a temperature display, which I thought was a dead giveaway that it wasn't working (since the temp disappearing was the sign it was crashed before) but sure enough it passed the Stress Test just fine.  Reinstalled Photoshop, crossed my fingers, no warning about "incompatible graphics"... and two seconds into editing a psd the screen went crazy and PS took a faceplant. End Task. Cry.

6 Posts

July 8th, 2022 22:00

Just tried turning on "Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling" after deleting Photoshop (preferences and all) and reinstalling past version 23.3. Also in Windows Graphics Settings, removed ALL programs I had set GPU  preferences for.  Restarted before opening PS 23.3 for the first time. 

I've been gleefully working for almost an hour and then PS's graphics got all cuckoo and froze. WITH PS still open and goofed up, did Device Manager > Disable NVIDIA > Enable NVIDIA. Upon enable, temperature now displays again in Task Mgr (so odd) and then PS then crashed itself down. 

Also just remembered to go back in and turn Product Improvement participation back on so hopefully they can see this craziness.

Now going to try with Multithreaded Compositing turned off.... and I just got a bunch of work done WITHOUT CRASHING!  But now at 1:15am, it is just me who will be crashing.

14 Posts

July 10th, 2022 06:00

My latest...

  1. I downloaded the latest Intel driver from Dell (my CPU manufacturer) and put it on my Desktop.
  2. I also downloaded an NVIDIA driver version from January 2021 (from NVIDIA) that I had used before when other NVIDIA updates were unstable.
  3. I then went into Safe Mode on my computer and used DDU (a driver deleter/ wiper) to remove my Intel GPU.
  4. I restarted and installed the Intel driver from my desktop.
  5. Then I did the same procedure for removing the NVIDIA driver and installed the January one.

So far much more stable, not super confident it will last, but at least I can use Photoshop for now.

I did reach out to an Adobe Expert on their forums and told them these cases were growing and asked them to reach out to NVIDIA. Starting to see more of this pop up in Adobe forums. We are not alone. More evidence it isn't our cards or machines.

Keep me posted.


14 Posts

July 10th, 2022 12:00

For anyone stumbling across this, so far I've been going all day long with my very old NVIDIA driver and not had one hiccup with Photoshop. Multiple big files open, running plugins, etc. Not one hang, crash, dropped video card connection to NVIDIA.

6 Posts

July 10th, 2022 19:00

What a relief!  I'm so happy for you!

So what version of Photoshop are you using? You on the current version? 

I haven't been back to work in PS since my last update. BUT I think I'm all good with Photoshop version 23.3 with Multithreaded Compositing turned off and the latest NVIDIA "Studio" version of the driver, however if I start having issues I'm going to go your route with Safe Mode > DDU > older version of the NVIDIA driver.

14 Posts

July 19th, 2022 05:00

What NVIDIA card do you have?

What's working for me a is a very old NVIDIA driver. The last 2-3 all have this issue. Even slightly older ones were causing blue screen of death a lot.

1 Message

July 19th, 2022 05:00

Dear SDAgency

I have same problem running Inventor 2023. I crashes or just give me this respond: Graphic driver stop responding. Inventor will quit.

Any advice is very welcome.

I have tried downloading latest drivers and tried all setting I could think off, but nothing seems to help.



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