1 Rookie
2 Posts
September 14th, 2021 08:00
R720 iDrac License Missing
I purchased a r720 and cannot access IDRAC. It says the license is missing. . Can I get assistance? Thank you.
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1 Rookie
2 Posts
September 14th, 2021 08:00
I purchased a r720 and cannot access IDRAC. It says the license is missing. . Can I get assistance? Thank you.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
2 Posts
September 14th, 2021 09:00
I have no lights on the port or the switch.
iDrac Settings --> Network --> NIC Selection Dedicated: A required license is missing or expired.
I have Enabled NIC, chose LOM1, LOM2, etc...and nothing works. I get no lights on the iDRAC and I can't ping it. I have setup as STATIC IP. It does not show up on my network. The cable and network switch is working.
DELL-Shine K
4 Operator
4 Operator
3K Posts
September 14th, 2021 09:00
Can you provide more details on issues you faced? R720 will come with express license by default and will be able to access without any additional license. You will not get all features until you have enterprise license
DELL-Shine K
4 Operator
4 Operator
3K Posts
September 14th, 2021 20:00
Did you have network connected to LOM ports of the server? You can connect network to LOM1 and configure iDRAC to LOM1 and check whether you are able to access iDRAC. You need to configure network setting on iDRAC as per LOM1 network range in this case.
3.6K Posts
September 14th, 2021 22:00
Hi @rmoran99,
Just to add some information, in case if needed. You were saying that you are not getting any LED lid on iDRAC port. Try following Shine's suggestion, and use LOM1 in iDRAC settings. Attached I have taken from the user manual, page 16: https://dell.to/3nzDS26, connect the network cable to LOM1, labeled No.8
Let us know how it goes.
1 Message
May 16th, 2022 08:00
Sir i am having the same license missing issue and the dedicated port is not working, even the lights are off after connecting network cable. and web interface is not accessible.
It happened after rest, how can i get the license back.
DELL-Chris H
9.1K Posts
May 16th, 2022 08:00
I would start with verifying if you have the license in your Digital Locker. Also, if you haven't already I would verify if the iDrac is able to communicate via LOM1, as described above, to see if there is any issue with the iDrac.
Afterwards, if you have the license in your Digital Locker, and the iDrac is functional then just import the license and confirm the iDrac is then set to Dedicated, once the license is imported.
Let me know how it goes, and what you see.
2 Posts
January 11th, 2024 21:57
Would it be possible for Dell to provide a consistent and perferably accurate, answer to this question? The two answers so far contradict each other -- one says a license is required, and one says otherwise.
I have the same issue as described above, with one of my R720xds. The dedicated iDRAC interface does not function at all -- no link light, no operation whatsoever, and does not even appear as installed from the perspective of the OS -- and the configuration interface indicates that a required license is missing (with no further explanation). iDRAC is also not accessible via the LOM NICs ( which all work fine, and are otherwise usable as regular network interfaces ).
Dell-Martin S
3.4K Posts
January 12th, 2024 14:20
I didn't see this conflict, shine explained that an enterprise license is needed for this specific feature. a new user reported that he has a completely missing license (it could be another license for example iDRAC Basic or iDRAC Express) and Chris helps him with this question.