2 Posts


May 13th, 2019 23:00

R620 EOL and RHEL8 support

Hi Dell, is R620 EOL? currently R620 is not RHEL8 certified is there plans to certifie? if not please state reason

4 Operator


2.9K Posts

May 14th, 2019 07:00


The EOL date is 5 years from sale, with the exception being when hardware is available, it may extend that time to 7 years.  

As for RHEL 8, if it is going to be designated as a supported OS, I wouldn't expect it for a quarter or two. Updates generally come out in quarterly releases and I wouldn't expect support for a quarter or two, depending on if this is something being worked on. I'm in the process of downloading a RHEL 8 .ISO, and I'd be happy to attempt to install it on a 12G and let you know if it succeeds, if you like.

RHEL 8 is supported on the newer 13G and 14G platforms, however. 

EDIT: I was successful in installing RHEL 8 on an R620, and it appears to work just fine. In my case, the installer did not see the storage attached to the PERC H310 however, and I wound up installing to a USB. The RAID controller shows up in lspci as "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 2008 [Falcon] (rev 03)." I did not try manually loading a driver, but I did see that RHEL 8 uses a newer kernel, so I would not expect the RHEL 7 driver to work, since it was for an older kernel. You might try it, but from what I've seen so far, I would not expect it to work. I've seen a number of posts in other forums indicating that Redhat disabled support for these controllers, but I can't necessarily vouch for the accuracy of that information. 

2 Posts

May 20th, 2019 03:00

thanks for the replay, as you stated it seems that Red Hat have removed drivers for some PERC adapters in old Dell poweredge generations (11,12).


is there some way to bypass the PERC adapter? or add the driver manually?

2 Posts

February 18th, 2020 04:00

The whole situation regarding depracated SAS-2 controller/RAID drivers (including PERC/LSI/Megaraid) is discussed in a forum post here.https://access.redhat.com/discussions/3722151

The originator of the discussion thread (Art of Server) has generated a great youtube video on the workaround (sideloading old drivers in a Driver Update Disk available from ELRepo). The youtube video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fOAuXiynYM&feature=youtu.be

Affects CentOS 8/8.1 as well as RHEL8.

I've just run into this problem with a BlueOnyx 5210R (Centos 8 based) install on a DELL Poweredge R210 Gen II with a PERC H200 RAID controller.

Hope this helps.


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