2 Posts
January 12th, 2020 12:00
PowerEdge T410 internal SATA storage
Due to significant 1to disc recycling, I am currently using a T410 build as follows:
- On the PERC 6i raid card, 2x1to system + 4x1to
- Internal SATA: 5x1to (software raid with the 4 perc6 disks under freenas)
I want to change these old recycled disks and use 6x4to. I understand that the perc6i does not support disks larger than 2to so 6x2to.
What about internal sata ports? Can I put 6x4to disks on the 6 sata ports? What's the maximum capacity supported ?
thank you
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2 Posts
January 13th, 2020 05:00
Hi again,
As I explained before,i want to build a freenas server.
If the maximum capacity authorized on the internal sata ports of my T410 allows 6x4to, this would be perfect.
On the other hand, if that doesn't work, I wanted to use a PERC h700. Unfortunately I understand that Freenas had problems with the H700. Can someone confirm this for me?
The last solution would be to put a 6 port sata controller card in PCI-e ...
Which solution is best for you?
- 6x 4to on the onboard sata ports
- 6x 4to on a perc h700?
- 6x 4to on an additional sata card in Pci-e?
Thanks !