This post is more than 5 years old
22 Posts
April 19th, 2011 08:00
PE2950 and Hyper-V
I have a PE 2950 that is several years old. Is there a way to check if it supports virtualiation required for Hyper-V without shutting dow the server?
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9 Legend
9 Legend
16.3K Posts
April 19th, 2011 09:00
The 2950 itself does, and I believe all the processors that were configurable in it do as well, but to check:
9 Legend
9 Legend
16.3K Posts
April 20th, 2011 08:00
Checking the BIOS will definitely work ... you said you wanted to know without rebooting the server :)
Anyway ... yes, that would confirm it is ready to go for Hyper-V (provided you turn it on :)).
The 2850 didn't ship with any processor (nor is it upgradeable to any processor) that supports VT.
22 Posts
April 20th, 2011 08:00
The BIOS on both my 2950's show CPU Virtulation as an option, although both are currently disabled. I take this as evidence that both servers will support Hyper-V. Similarly, it seems my 2850 does NOT support Hyper-V.
Thanks for your help.
5 Posts
May 3rd, 2015 12:00
Not wishing to drag up an old thread, but I too am having this issue with my PE2950. Hyper-V was and still is enabled in the BIOS, the only change made that I can think of is I have updated the BIOS to version 2.7.0
Anyone have any ideas?
9 Legend
9 Legend
16.3K Posts
May 3rd, 2015 22:00
WHAT issue are you having?
5 Posts
May 4th, 2015 13:00
I am not able to run any hyper-v virtual machines (windows 7 os for eg)
I am running windows server 2012R2 with hyper v installed and enabled in the BIOS.
When I click start to start windows 7 I get the error " Virtual Machine Windows 7 cannot be started because the hypervisor is not running"
This was all fine, until I updated the BIOS and RAID controller.
I've checked the openmanage application and it shows the BIOS has hyper-v enabled.
9 Legend
9 Legend
16.3K Posts
May 4th, 2015 15:00
You should be looking for VT to be enabled in the BIOS, not Hyper-V ... just checking.
Are the Hyper-V services running?
What was the version of the BIOS before you updated? After? Did you also update the ESM/BMC? Check for updated chipset drivers?
5 Posts
May 5th, 2015 03:00
Sorry for the confusion, without looking at the BIOS I could not recall the exact name.
I can confirm that VT is enabled in the BIOS.
Hyper-V services are installed and running on the OS.
I don't recall the older version of the BIOS prior to my update, I can only confirm the latest version. I can confirm that prior to me updating, I had no issues running any virtualization in this OS.
I will double check to see if the latest versions are installed of EMS/BMC as far as I am aware, all chipset drivers are up to date. This is something I will confirm shortly.
Thanks for the help so far. It's a niggle I just can't scratch at this point.
5 Posts
May 5th, 2015 14:00
BMC is currently 2.50