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June 7th, 2019 14:00

Dell PE 2850 vga monitor resolution too low/narrow

Hi guys...

I have recently bought an old PowerEdge 2850 and she is now running beautifully.... (after a lot of TLC I must add)... BUT... The one last issue I have is that the screen resolution on my monitor is not correct.

The "Display Adapter" says - Standard VGA Graphics Adapter (???)

The Monitor is - Samsung SyncMaster BX3021 (driver is installed)

The Chipset says - ATI Radeon VE

The OS is - Windows Server 2008 R2


I tried to download an ATI Radeon driver but it was obviously the incorrect one as all my RAID drives FAILED - I think that was because it was for Server 2008 and not server 2008r2 - so I'm a bit nervous to try another Display Adapter driver because I had to re-create the RAID drives and install everything AGAIN.....etc.

Am I stuck with the - "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" -  or what? Surely the ATI Radeon should be giving me better graphics (or at least be able to handle the screen resolution of the Samsung monitor)....

Sorry, I am not very clued up w.r.t graphics cards and old servers....

I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction here....





6.2K Posts

June 7th, 2019 17:00


The integrated graphics on servers is very limited. I suspect the max resolution on the 2850 is around 800x600, maybe 1024x768. This information is probably listed in the manual on the system support page.


16 Posts

June 8th, 2019 02:00

H Daniel

Thanks for getting back to me... I guess that was the answer I was expecting - but thanks for clearing it up...


16 Posts

June 8th, 2019 14:00

As a matter of interest... Why do I get the:

The "Display Adapter" says - Standard VGA Graphics Adapter 

....surely it should say its a ATI Radeon VE Graphics Adapter/card...

I can't stop thinking that something is missing and the server is simply using the "lowest" default graphics adapter....

There are 3 cards slotted into the PCI-E slots....

1. I presume is the RAID Controller

2. I presume is a Network Card

3. I was thinking is the/a Graphics card....

Sorry for sounding so stupid...


9 Legend


16.3K Posts

June 10th, 2019 09:00

1024x768 is the max resolution (no wide ratios supported).

Thing I wanted to address was this:

"I tried to download an ATI Radeon driver but it was obviously the incorrect one as all my RAID drives FAILED"

This should not happen and should not be related. I would caution you to treat these as separate events.

Make sure the BIOS and ESM (and DRAC if installed) are up to date. PERC 4e/Di firmware should also be up to date.

Use the 2008x64 driver for video, as there is not a 2008 R2 driver (and the native driver may not be suitable for the particular chipset).

If your drives are failing, I would look at the drives you are using - are they certified or generic? Are the drives' firmware up to date? Do they individually pass diagnostics? Is your RAID controller firmware up to date?

I worked with MANY of these 2850's, although it has been several years since I got rid of all of them. They all ran 2008 R2 and ran great, but updates are critical for these boxes.

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

June 10th, 2019 12:00

Update the BIOS, BMC, and PERC (and DRAC, if installed), in this order ... maybe before you install Windows updates:


What make/model are the hard drives and are they Dell-certified versions?

You CAN turn off RAID in the BIOS and just use them in native SCSI mode ... under Integrated Devices in the system BIOS Setup utility, change RAID Enabled to SCSI Enabled. This will NOT allow you to take advantage of the write caching of the RAID controller, decreasing performance (but may not be important to you).

16 Posts

June 10th, 2019 12:00

Hi Flash... thanks so much for getting back to me....

I really want to get this girl running optimally... so please help me get thru this...
1. You are 100% correct... and I thought so as well... the graphics drivers and the RAID drivers should have nothing to do with each other.... but that seemed to trigger the first RAID/HHD "Fail"
2. Today, she was running perfectly and I was pushing her... 80 to 100% cpu... fans were adapting nicely... but then suddenly .... Peeep Peeep Peeep... hard drive (or RAID) "Failed"...
I'm almost sure that I am not updating the correct code (See Caveat)... but I am also a bit nervous because all the drivers that I have tried that have been "recommended" have either not worked or "crashed" the system...
Caveat: Once I have 2008 r2 installed I run all the "Updates"... Windows updates that is...
I'm pretty sure that I am not following thru with the
1. Which updates should I do after I have installed 2008r2 and run all the Windows updates...etc... and
2. Can I not just run her using the SCSI drives... and not even bother with the RAID setup... I don't need it...

16 Posts

June 10th, 2019 13:00

Ja.. there's nothing about Dell on them.. made in Singapore.... Atlas 10K...  3.5 Series....  Ultra 320 SCSI...

Ok... let me try the above...


Appreciate the help... thanx...

16 Posts

June 10th, 2019 13:00

Thanx... The BIOS is updated..., and I have all the other "Updates" on a CD-Rom in the drive... I guess I haven't run them since I kept having to re-install the OS.... but will run them in order when I install 2008r2 again... thanx Ummm... SCSI Drive 1 - 300GB Maxtor... 10K Rpm...not much else to say about it... SCSI Drive 2 - Same... SCSI Drive 3 - Seagate Cheetah 15k RPM ..then... SCSI Drives 4, 5 and 6 - Seagate Cheetah 15k RPM...BUT.... One of them does not even show up in the Config... and the other 2... say "---" 0GB storage.... (I wish I could trouble shoot this because a week ago... only 2 of the drives were saying 0GB space...anyways).... I've got no idea if they are Dell certified or not.... I'm going to try to turn off the RAID in the BIOS as you suggested... Will report back... Thanks for your help... Mike

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

June 10th, 2019 13:00

If they are Dell-certified, they will have a Dell logo on them with a Dell Part Number (Dell PN or DPN, with some sort of number on it like CN 0N3445)

Sounds like you either have bad drives or incompatible drives (generic drives that don't know how to talk to the RAID controller).

16 Posts

June 10th, 2019 13:00

Ummm... in the BIOS "Integrated Devices" I only have 2 options... SCSI or OFF...  I don't have a RAID option... maybe this has got something to do with my issue...


Can I NOT configure my drives as RAID drives and just boot the system up...? If that makes any sense...

16 Posts

June 10th, 2019 15:00

Ok, well... thanks Flash for your help...

I've installed 2008r2 again and have run the drivers as per your list. Only the BMC updated... the BIOS and ESM said I already had the latest versions... RAID and DRAC said my system was not compatible with the update??? Sooo, I'm a bit worried about that...

I also only set  up the one 300GB drive as a RAID 0....

So far everything seems ok... I'll run the Windows updates now....

Thanks again for your help... Hopefully I won't have to bother you again with this... but I will give you an update in a day or two... hopefully not sooner...

Cheers... Mike

16 Posts

June 11th, 2019 12:00


The only way I was able to install Server 2008r2 on my PE 2850 was to use the - PERC 4/DC driver....

When installing the Server Manager software it said that my PERC driver (PERC 4/DC firmware) was outdated...

Everytime I try to update the PERC driver (PERC 4e/Di firmware) I get told that none of the systems on the computer are compatible...

I've tried several of the "Drivers" from the Dell "Downloads" section using PE2850 and Server 2008r2 criteria but none of them work...

How do I get my current PERC drivers current... I've seriously tried them all...

Sorry to keep on at this but I need to get things current as per "Flash's" recommendation above....



9 Legend


16.3K Posts

June 11th, 2019 13:00

"Everytime I try to update the PERC driver (PERC 4e/Di firmware) I get told that none of the systems on the computer are compatible"

Driver is not the same as firmware. I linked to the firmware package, upon which the driver is often dependent.


16 Posts

June 11th, 2019 14:00

Ok... I'm not sure how to run this from outside of the OS (cmd Prompt I presume) - but I'll read up on how to do it and try it...


16 Posts

June 11th, 2019 14:00

Thanks Flash...

When I try to run/install the RAID_FRMW_WIN_R126663 firmware (as per your list of 5 things to do in sequence) I get the following "Warning"....

"The Update Package is running on an unsupported new operating system. Do you want to continue?"... I click "Yes".... and then get this "Error" Message...

"This Update Package is not compatible with any of the devices detected in your system."

So, I am at a bit of a loss here....

Do any of these Error/Warning messages make any sense to you? - I have a clean install of Server 2008r2 and my BIOS and BMC are updated and current...

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