
This post is more than 5 years old

1 Rookie


2 Posts


October 8th, 2007 17:00

Disabling RAID controller (PERC 5/i)

Hi all
We have purchased a PowerEdge 1950, with Xeon 5050 3.0GHz and a PERC 5/i, Integrated Controller Card. I would like to disable the RAID option from the Controller. Is it sufficient to disable it from the RAID BIOS or do I need to take any further steps in disabling it? Apart from that, since the server already has data on it, will it be sufficient to disable the controller or do I need to re-install the system?
Thanks in advance.

946 Posts

October 10th, 2007 12:00

Hi dbali,
You can turn the integrated RAID controller off in the System bios.  Just go to integrated devices -> Integrated Raid Controller -> Disabled.  I believe once you do this you will no longer be able to boot to those drives.  Make sure you have a good backup before performing these steps.

Message Edited by DELL-Dennis S on 10-10-2007 08:02 AM

1 Rookie


2 Posts

October 12th, 2007 07:00

Hi DELL-Dennis S and thanks for the reply. There is an option in Integrated devices which disables the controller but that disables the disk controller ability as well. In order to successfully disable it and get 2 separate disks, you need to go in the RAID BIOS (with Ctrl+R) and delete the raid array in there and then make an raid array for each disk separately. Weird logic but that's how it is :P Also, if you have a system backup (like I did) it's not useful after disabling the raid controller. Thankfully, I also have data backup ;-) Cheers though!

Message Edited by dbali on 10-12-2007 11:37 AM
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