
This post is more than 5 years old

6 Posts


March 5th, 2004 00:00

Problem of connecting to wireless network with Inspiron 8600


I just bought DELL Inspiron 8600 a few days ago. It was equipped with Intel Pro Wireless 2100 3A Mini PCI card. However I have problems connecting to my wireless router.

1) I double checked the SSID, WEP key and they are correctly set.
2) I tried both the Intel PRo manager and Windows XP to manage the wireless card but neither of them worked.
3) The wireless card complained "no network to associate". But It can scan the existing network and find my wireless router. After that, I click the "connect" button but it didn't connect to the network.
4) I downloaded the latest driver from DELL web site and tried but still failed.
5) In Intel PRo manager "General" tag, there is no signal intensity even if I move the laptop just near the wireless router.
6) I have another Laptop with wireless PC card and it works very well.

Would anyone experienced on this give me some advice on what to do next? Also I have checked the Mini PCI card and the interface with the antenna. It seems OK. Can this problem caused by the antenna (since it seems the wireless card dooesn't transmit radio)?

Thanks and bow.


791 Posts

March 5th, 2004 01:00

Just in case, make sure that the SSID name is completely the same. If there is a capital letter in there, then you must also let the laptop know that there is a capital letter. In other words, if you use the name "linksys" for your SSID name, "linksys" is not the same as "Linksys".

I think a easy solution (but a bit more tedious) would be to completely reset your router's settings to factory default. You can do this by holding down the Reset button on the router for about 10 seconds or so. After the router restarts, your settings will be all cleared and resetted.

Make sure that wireless is enabled in the router's setup and then try to get your laptop to connect to the router. You shouldn't need to put in any settings at all. The connection is detected automatically.

Hopefully if all goes well and you get a connection, you can then go ahead and start enabling WEP, changing SSID name, etc...

30 Posts

March 11th, 2004 02:00

I had a similar problem on my 8600. WLAN Transport was not checked in Wireless Network Connection Properties. Also on Mini Adapter properties Advanced tab, make sure Wireless device off is not checked. In Services, make sure Intel NCS Netservice is not disabled....Wireless Zero Configuration, too. There is a new driver and version of Proset on the Dell 8600 update site....dated 3/04/04, I think.....I'm able to toggle from ProSet to Windows wireless clients..either work fine and pick up any router or ap in range....Hope this is some help.
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