
This post is more than 5 years old

3 Posts


October 12th, 2010 13:00

Computer disconnects from internet around the same time every day

We have a shipping computer that, for some unknown reason, disconnects from the internet daily. It seems to happen around 3pm. The computer was set up before I was employed here, and it does not have any antivirus software or a firewall. I have assigned the computer a static IP address, but that did not solve the problem.

When I go to the command prompt, I can ping google.com and local computers, but I cannot browse the internet. I checked the scheduled tasks in the control panel and by typing 'at' at the command prompt, thinking maybe something scheduled the computer to disconnect, but I didn't see anything there. Out shipping software vendor insists nothing in their software would do this.

My boss says when the shipping software vendor was remoting into our computer and setting something up (before I was here), he thinks he remembers the tech saying he saw a setting that was doing this, but they never did anything about it, and now I can't find it.

If anyone has any input as to what could possibly be going on, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

3 Posts

October 15th, 2010 07:00


I have already assigned both a static IP address in the router and in the network settings on the shipping computer and I still have the issue. If it was an issue with the lease time, wouldn't all of our computers have the issue?

I am also not sure why I would be able to ping google.com and our network computers, but can't connect to the internet or FTP.



2.9K Posts

October 15th, 2010 07:00


I suspect  the cause of your daily disconnect is a 24-hour lease on your network connection.  If you are using a VPN router, check the lease renewal settings.  If the shipping computer is a workstation on a network server, have your system administrator check the login settings. It may be set to automatically log out the user every 24 hours.

Let us know what you find.


3 Posts

October 15th, 2010 09:00


There was nothing out of the ordinary in the LAN Connection properties, the filters are set properly. In the IE Connections window, there was a Dialup/VPN device there called FdxDefaultPbe, which I am assuming at one point had to do with the FedEx Software. The network connections page says that device is missing, but would that have any affect on this? I went into it's properties and didn't see anything that looked wrong.


2.9K Posts

October 15th, 2010 09:00


Yes.  I was hoping you had a situation similar to one I experienced with a client's computer.  It was in a home (a very,very large home). Everything was "smart-wired" to a single cable modem.  Everything worked great.  Then an electrical storm took out the security firm's VPN router.  After it was replaced, all the computers disconnected at 7 a.m. every single day.  I finally had Time-Warner install a commercial cable modem/router.  I put the security firm's VPN router on a DMZ port of the cable/modem router.  Problem went away and hasn't returned.

Check Connection Settings in Internet Explorer, especially the Proxy Server.  Some software programs modify these.  That may be the situation with your shipping program.  Also, check the LAN Connection|Properties|TCP/IP|Properties/Advanced/Options/Filters.  I've had more than one system that could see the local network and router but couldn't get on the Internet because the filters were set incorrectly.

Let us know what you find.


2.9K Posts

October 15th, 2010 11:00


Ran across this reference to FedEx software causing a problem with Google: http://www.techsupportforum.com/microsoft-support/windows-xp-support/513061-solved-computer-dialing-itself.html

Although the person above had a slightly different problem, it might be worth checking the settings in the FedEx Program.  Maybe an automatic update to that program combined with an automatic update to Internet Explorer throwed some registry WinSock settings out of whack.  You can reset your Internet Explorer WinSock settings to their defaults with WinSock_XP_Fix available here:  http://majorgeeks.com/WinSock_XP_Fix_d4372.html 

This should at least solve your Internet connectivity problem.

Keep us informed on how you fare.



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