2 Posts
How to configure Fn keys
I sort of understand the need to integrate the Fn keys with some other keys but a problem comes up when I want F10-F12 to behave as Home, End, Prt Sc while other Fn keys just be the regular Fns. How can I do that?
This design dramatically slows you down when using Excel, you can't press F2 to edit while having to ability to use control + home/end very quickly. Who would press Fn or Fn + Esc to switch that often??
Any way I can configure the keys individually?
2 Posts
May 16th, 2020 09:00
This sounds painful. I'm using latitude 7400, the only non-multipurpose Fn key I have is F9, which is not enough for the 3 functions I need, and it loses the purpose if I move F2 all the way to F9....sigh
9 Legend
9 Legend
14K Posts
May 16th, 2020 09:00
@LE3L1E No, you cannot customize the default Fn/Non-Fn behavior of each individual key. Fn+Esc is the toggle. This incidentally is why several users have complained about some recent Dell systems that have removed the ability to activate Home/End by pressing Fn+Left/Right. Another reason for that gripe is that this arrangement kept Home/End right next to PgUp/Dn, whereas placing Home/End in the top row means those two pairs are on opposite sides of the keyboard. Some laptops allow Home/End to be toggled either way, and while it would seem that Dell could easily issue a firmware update to achieve that, they haven't.
So the closest you could come to what you're trying to achieve would be to use something like Autohotkey so that pressing F10, which the OS would register as F10, would instead trigger Home. Of course if you actually ever needed to use F10 as F10, you'd need to specify some other modifier key to achieve that. Autohotkey is incredibly powerful, although if this is all you wanted to achieve, you should be able to create a script that performs those remaps with just a few minutes spent reading their excellent documentation. Plus it's free.
3 Posts
August 23rd, 2020 19:00
This is my problem as well!.
I want to re-assign two FN keys (or maybe the right ALT and CTL keys) to be dedicated, one-touch page up/down keys.
I really dislike the new, small latitude keyboard that got rid of the page up/down keys.
It's ridiculous that we now have to use TWO HANDS to advance up/down a page (FN + Arrow key).
The FN Lock option doesn't work for the Page Up/Down (it just locks the upper FN row).
Is there any other way to get a one-touch option for moving though pages?
9 Legend
9 Legend
14K Posts
August 24th, 2020 09:00
@PNW13 If you can find two other keys that you don't actually need, then you can use AutoHotKey to remap that key to PgUp/Dn, but if "one-touch" means not even using a modifier key (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, WinKey, etc.), then I doubt you'll have two keys on your keyboard that you'll never use for their normal purpose. But if you just want one-handed operation, then mapping something like RightCtrl+[whatever] to PgUp/PgDn might work. And if memory serves, AutoHotKey does allow you to set mappings that ONLY apply to Right Ctrl or Right Alt, for example, in which case if Ctrl+[whatever] normally triggered a function that you might want as well, you could still activate that function by using Left Ctrl, for example.
3 Posts
August 24th, 2020 15:00
Thanks! I've downloaded that program and it seems like a good option. I am fine with a 2-finger option for pg up/down. However, I want both fingers to be on the same hand. It just makes things SO much easier and faster!!
I DID hear back from Dell Support re: this question. DELL confirmed that FN keys can't be customized. I was also told that the standard system set up would not let me re-assign keys or create unique hotkeys.
Hopefully AutoHotKey will let me find a work-around for this issue.
9 Legend
9 Legend
14K Posts
August 24th, 2020 16:00
@PNW13 If you have 2-key combinations that don't involve the Fn key, then AutoHotKey will get the job done. It is an INCREDIBLY powerful tool, but if all you want to do is map a couple of 2-key combinations to PgUp and PgDn, then you just need to create a 2-line script (one line for each desired mapping) and configure it to run at startup. In terms of finding the correct syntax, AutoHotKey's documentation has examples for this type of remap, including how to specify PgUp/PgDn, any modifier key you want (Ctrl, Alt, WinKey), and how to specify Left/Right Ctrl or Alt specifically if you want to limit the mapping to one side or the other. So just find that documentation page, build your simple 2-line script, and test it out!
2 Posts
October 6th, 2021 10:00
Here's the full script for anyone who it will be useful for. Also remaps ALT + F10, F11 and F12 to be just the original FN key
1 Message
June 1st, 2023 10:00
Can the F9 key be made to "play/pause" music or video being played?