
This post is more than 5 years old



December 2nd, 2008 15:00

xps 1330 laptop screen scratched by keyboard when transported in backpack

I purchased two new xps laptops a few months ago and both were scratched in a day when transported in a neoprene sleeve in a backpack. They are so thin that they flex up in the middle area and the keyboard middle portion ( a triangle from the 'D to L down to below the space bar) actually leaves an imprint of each key on the screen and will actually scratch the screen particularly in the area of the screen that touches just above the thin strip above the touch pad.

Please note that I am not one of these anti dell whiners... our family loves our xps laptops and dell has replaced the screens so I am 100% satisfied with there service. What I am not satisfied is with their efforts to help me protect my XPS laptops from further damage.

Is there a thin non abrasive protective film can i place inside my laptop when i transport it so that the area above the keyboard right down to below the touchpad buttons is covered so the the lcd panel does not get scratched again?

Also, is there a thin light rigid case to put the xps in other than the soft neoprene's which really do not offer much protection from bending pressures such as those found in a students backpack filled with books?

1.6K Posts

December 2nd, 2008 15:00

Put a folded over piece of soft paper towel over the keyboard before closing the system.  It'll protect the screen just fine.


December 2nd, 2008 18:00

seems to simple but i will try it. Dell told me to use a stick on screen protector but i think that will change the screen clarity?

1 Message

December 9th, 2008 19:00

Another take on the problem: (http://lappytoppy.com). This one is a flexible plastic sheet with user-customizable images on each side. Something for everyone. :-)

December 9th, 2008 21:00

;^) I recommend getting a chamois from an auto care place.  Normally these are used to clean your car, but synthetic ones can be used not only to keep your laptop screen clean, they can be sandwiched between the screen and keyboard when the laptop is closed, thus protecting the screen from the keys.  Get a big one meant for automobiles so that you can trim it down to the exact size you want.


:^/ On another note, Dell has backpacks specially built for laptops, with padded pockets situated to avoid undue pressure from the jumbled tomes that characterize most stuff-everything-into-the-same-cavity designs that are so common.  I recommend that you look into those.

2 Posts

December 9th, 2008 22:00

For someone who uses the very fine xps Laptops, I am surprised that you were unable to work out the simplicities of protecting the screens yourself.. shame on you!!!

14 Posts

December 9th, 2008 22:00

i use the xps cloth sent with the laptop, no scratches on the screen yet

December 10th, 2008 14:00

There are so many backpack models, which ones separate the laptop far from the weight pressure of heavy textbooks?


Ps. Thanks about the chamois tip…works better than towels!

December 10th, 2008 14:00

I have had six or seven laptops in my life but never an ultra thin one that actually bent to the degree these xps laptops did. I was taken by surprise. I look at it as a design flaw! They should NOT bend to the degree that they do. I know better now, but as obvious as it may seem to you and others, these laptops should be shipped with a warning statement and a cloth or protective plastic screen as standard equipment.


315 Posts

December 10th, 2008 21:00

There are so many backpack models, which ones separate the laptop far from the weight pressure of heavy textbooks?

;^) I use the Lowepro model backpack.  It accommodates laptops with up to 17" screens, though my XPS M1210 isn't that big.  Dell has it on offer, but I had already purchased it at a yard sale earlier.  Dell has other models that sound promising.  Before getting one, I'd read the reviews to see what other purchasers liked/disliked about each one.


Good luck!


2 Posts

December 10th, 2008 22:00

Point taken and a very valid one under the circumstances if you carry it around in a Backpack full of other things. However the fact remains that a Laptop with ultra thin Screen would by definition require extra care... There should have been a black Cloth included within the Box, which is, I would have thought, the obvious thing to have used given that a Backpack is not the best protection, especially with other objects (Books) etc.. and maybe, still wearing it when seated. I have not seen any similar complaints on any forums about your experience so far and would therefore suggest that maybe this has happened because of lack of care rather than inherent fault.

December 11th, 2008 22:00

I actually did not get a black cloth with either xps laptop but am using a chamois as suggested and it seems to be working.

I agree that you don't see lots of problems, but a new industry is developing to protect these ultra thins with all kinds of devices, especially with the new ultra-thin Apple laptops. XPS are in the same category. 

Lack of care on my part?? possibly, but these things really bend way too easy. they need to have a little Panasonic "toughbook" built into their design. 

December 11th, 2008 22:00

I would like to see a backpack with a seperate rigid frame for laptop storage on the outer most portion of the bag, and room for books, etc in a seperate inside area next to your back. That would relieve some of the heavy  pressure books place on the ultra thin frame.

Right now, we have resorted to carrying books and junk in the backpack while the laptop is carried seperately in a neoprene sleeve

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