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This post is more than 5 years old



4 Posts


October 7th, 2008 18:00

the SC reader can't read DoD CAC

I have a new E6500 and installed the DOD middleware (Active Client) but the card reader doesn't read the newer cards. This is an issue that we have had with other card readers and the reader driver was the issue. I can't find the manufacturer of the reader to see if there are newer drivers that Dell hasn't issued. Activeclient shows it's a Broadcom and Broadcom says to call the company you bought it from. So far dells support chain is shipping a new laptop to try and fix the problem.

Message Edited by CTDPIHD on 10-08-2008 07:12 AM

January 27th, 2010 17:00

I have a Government Dell D630 laptop that had not been reliably detecting my CAC (Smartcard).  Sometime after November 2009 it continuously failed to detect the card when inserted.  Other cards failed also even though they all worked fine with external USB readers (typically SCR331 readers) including one tried with the D630.  The D630 is running XP Pro SP3 and all current updates to include a reinstalled latest Dell recommended version of the 02Micro Smartcard Driver (version A04) from the Dell website.

I have advanced degrees in Electrical Engineering and almost 40 years of computer hardware/software experience with an extensive and successful troubleshooting record.  Since it couldn’t be the driver (Wrong) both Dell Tech Support and I thought it had to be the reader.  Under the warrantee Dell replaced the system board containing the 02Micro reader.  The technician that did the work onsite at my convenience did fast, superb, and very professional work.  The problem was not fixed by this hardware change.

My research on the web did not find any answers but did show others having similar issues, notably with a Dell D820.  In a discussion of the issue with my son James, also a savvy Engineer, he told me he was having no CAC issues with his D820 02Micro reader.  Upon checking the D820 we found it was using the generic Microsoft USB Smart Card reader driver (usbccid.sys) file version 5.2.3790.2724 (srv03_sp1_qfe.060614-0208).  Not the 02Micro one Dell has as the recommended download on their website.

More research on the web showed that many people had tried to find a safe official version of usbccid.sys to download without success and after visiting many sites pointing to a sure thing, especially Microsoft sites, neither could I.

The great news is that most Windows machines already have usbccid.sys hiding on them, but likely an older version than the one stated above because the updating system does not update software not in use.  I opened Device Manager and selected the 02 Micro Smart Card Reader.  One can update the driver under the Properties – Driver submenu.  It is important to select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” and then “Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install.”  Check the box for “Show compatible hardware.”  Hopefully you will see a generic “USB Smart Card reader” in addition to those labeled with 02Micro.  I know the reader is built in, but choose the generic USB one.  That will put the usbccid.sys driver into use and when you do the next Microsoft update it will magically get you and install the latest version.  I did all this and now the D630 built in 02Micro reader works perfectly.  When I have a chance I will let Dell Tech Support know how to fix this issue and suggest they stop listing the 02Micro driver as the one to use.

4 Posts

October 8th, 2008 12:00

I agree that this is a hardware problem. I received my E6500 laptop last weekend and found the same issue.

I believe that switching out the laptop was a waste of time, as this is present on other E6500's.

They need to create a custom .inf file for the Broadcomm smart card reader and possibly provide a custom driver as well.

Hopefully enough of us can band together to escalate


4 Posts

October 8th, 2008 16:00

You would think this would be a priority with all the machines the DoD buys annually

6 Posts

October 8th, 2008 23:00

wonder, if any resolution to this has been found... I am having same issues on a brand new M4400. Also Broadcom card reader and the new CAC card... Surprisingly, I have a 2-year old M90 with another cac card reader (O2Micro) that recognizes the new CAC card without any problem at all. Strange. Still trying to get something out of Dell support, but hope is quickly diminishing.
Message Edited by aabbar on 10-08-2008 09:04 PM

4 Posts

October 9th, 2008 15:00

Doesn't Dell monitor this forum?

I would think they would acknowledge this post by now.

6 Posts

October 10th, 2008 02:00

Well, talked to the Dell support. The guy promised to kick it up the chain. Suggested that Dell send me a plug-in adapter (say, ExpressCard-SmartCard) while they are figuring out their Broadcom hardware/driver issue for the new CAC cards... We'll see what happens...

4 Posts

October 10th, 2008 05:00

Although an alternate reader does work (I am using a PC Card Gem 400 reader for now), it is truly surprising that Dell did not bother to even test the smart cards for authentication. To me this is really basic.

Oh well. Hopefully they come up with a driver soon.


6 Posts

October 10th, 2008 12:00

This is a reply from a Dell tech:

"I spoke with a technical lead here, and it appears that our engineering group is aware of this issue, and is working toward a resolution.  No resolution or workaround is currently available, though.  I will let you know when I have more information."


One can only hope for the "resolution" to come soon.. I agree, it's puzzling how Dell could release a product into DoD pipeline with a crucial component untested...


4 Posts

October 10th, 2008 16:00

My point exactly, how do they put the hardware out untested. We have some Lat. D series laptops that are fine with Vista and the card reader installed in them.

I verified also with an SCRXXX reader and it worked right away. I can't deploy this box until this is rectified. It's been 4 days and I'm supposed to be getting another complete system, I'm kind of hoping that they have a new reader that is compatible that's be installed now or there is a driver installed that works. At this point it's going to be next week before I can test anything since the new box hasn't shown up.

6 Posts

October 10th, 2008 16:00

Based on what I got from my Dell tech, the smartcard reader is a part of the motherboard and is not replaceable independently. Also, there are only 2 different boards with everything but the video cards being identical (for M4400). Meaning, no different SC reader available... So, while not trying to diminish your hopes for the new box, in my view, the solution will ultimately come via updated drivers, especially since older CAC cards work fine in this new Broadcom stuff...

1 Message

October 14th, 2008 17:00

I have the Latitude E6400 and have the same problem.  What do we mean by 'old CAC / new CAC' though? I've tried a few different ones and none of them seem to work.


Had a dell guy spend around 4 hours taking apart the laptop, replacing the motherboard and reader to have the same problem again.  What a waste.


Will someone please post the resolution to this once Dell responds?



4 Posts

October 14th, 2008 18:00

I am meeting with a TAM today in Australia. The sooner we can get it through their head that either:

- The reader is a writeoff, or

- The reader needs a custom driver, inf file, etc.

The better. No one should have to go through a tech wripping apart the laptop or replacing the motherboard again.


4 Posts

October 15th, 2008 06:00

I spent some time digging deeper into the issue, and found some interesting results when I ran certutil -scinfo.


First of all, I am using the same Axalto Cryptoflex .NET card (with four certificates) for each test.

I have a UBS attached GemPlus USB reader (working), a GemPlus PC/Card reader (working) and the E6500 internal Broadcomm reader (still not working).


When you run the certutil -scinfo command with the card in either of the working readers, the initial output includes:


The Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager is running.
Current reader/card status:
Readers: 2
  0: Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0
  1: Gemplus GPR400 0
--- Reader: Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0
--- Status: No card.
---   Card:
--- Reader: Gemplus GPR400 0
--- Status: The card is being shared by a process.
---   Card: Axalto Cryptoflex .NET
---    ATR:
 3b 16 96 41 73 74 72 69  64                        ;..Astrid


 When I move the smart card to the Broadcomm reader, the output has a minor variation:


The Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager is running.
Current reader/card status:
Readers: 2
  0: Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0
  1: Gemplus USB SmartCard Reader 1
--- Reader: Broadcom Corp Contacted SmartCard 0
--- Status: The card is available for use.
---   Card: Axalto Cryptoflex .NET
---    ATR:
 3b 16 96 41 73 74 72 69  64                        ;..Astrid

I think this is a place to start digging. I am passing this information to my customer's TAM in hope that it may accelerate things. At this point, it appears that Dell just pulls out a list of supported smart cards, and have not tested any certificate operations. As shown in my output, the Broadcomm does successfully identify the *type* of card, it just cannot use it.





3 Posts

October 22nd, 2008 16:00

I also have this same problem and have 20 new E6500 laptops to deploy and can't get past the 1st one.  Next time I will check the forums first before spending days trying different things.   External CAC reader works just fine, but silly to deploy with a brand new box with an internal SC reader!



6 Posts

October 23rd, 2008 22:00

silly indeed. Not only that but also ridiculous, since Dell cannot seem to fix the driver issues in at least 3 weeks! Given real effort, they could write and test a whole new set of drivers/firmware in this period of time!


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