This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
15 Posts
February 28th, 2013 11:00
keyboard some keys not working
i have dell studio 1558
justt got new motherboard and from first start some keys on keyboard are not working please helllp
This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
15 Posts
February 28th, 2013 11:00
i have dell studio 1558
justt got new motherboard and from first start some keys on keyboard are not working please helllp
DELL-Chinmay S
4 Operator
4 Operator
1.8K Posts
February 28th, 2013 11:00
Hi nirmit1105,
Check if the keys are stuck on keyboard. Another step you can try is to check the keyboard functionality in safe mode and see if it exhibits the same behavior there as well.
To use On screen keyboard:
Note: To use keystroke combinations (such as Ctrl+Z), click the first key (in this case, Ctrl) and then click the second key (Z). You don’t have to hold down the first key as you do with a regular keyboard.
Please ensure to follow safety instructions mentioned in manual.
Please reply with findings.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
15 Posts
February 28th, 2013 11:00
Well tried using safe mode but arrow keys are among which are not working
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
15 Posts
February 28th, 2013 11:00
N ya im also not using usb keyboard
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
15 Posts
February 28th, 2013 12:00
Any other option? coz usb keyboard is hard to find in urgency
DELL-Chinmay S
4 Operator
4 Operator
1.8K Posts
March 1st, 2013 17:00
Hi nirmit1105,
You may try reseating the keyboard and see if it works. You may find detailed information on reseating the keyboard from the service manual of computer as mentioned in previous post.
If the issue persists, keyboard might need replacement. If the system is under warranty, you may private message me the service tag of computer. I have added you as a friend. Please accept my friend request by clicking on my name highlighted in blue and then click on “Friends” tab at the top and then click on “Request to Review” and finally click on “Accept” button.
I am sending you a private message as well. Click on “Inbox” to respond to the message and provide system’s Service Tag and contact details so I may access your system records and check for further course of action. You could also click on Start Conversation to send a private message.
Please reply with information.
DELL-Chinmay S
4 Operator
4 Operator
1.8K Posts
May 14th, 2013 09:00
Hi kmangalam,
It appears to be an issue with keyboard. You may try re-seating the keyboard of computer and see if it helps. For detailed information on re-seating keyboard, you may refer to service manual of computer.
Click on the link: > Enter the service tag > Select the manuals tab to access the service manual.
Please ensure to follow safety instructions in manual. If the issue persists after re-seating keyboard, it might need replacement.
Please share the findings.
1 Message
May 14th, 2013 09:00
I am having a similar problem. Keys z, x, c and v dont work on the keyboard. They work on the On screen and USB keyboards. What should I do to fix this?
1 Message
August 28th, 2014 11:00
Thanks for sharing this solution. I had purchased a Dell computer in Saudi Arabia and the >, < keys were not operating. I desperately needed them in Excel formulas. The insert symbol functionality didn't work, however, the solution provided by you worked beautifully! Thanks a ton!!
1 Message
July 13th, 2017 19:00
Knangalam these are the same letters that are not working for me and a few more to the right down the row Did you solve the problem with the suggested fix? Thank you