
This post is more than 5 years old


November 10th, 2016 02:00

how to disable internal mic

I have laptop dell 3521 with windows 7 32 bit after I updated the audio driver I cant disable the internal mic so I could use headset mic only , I cannt because they are on the same menu as this pic show ,please help me to disable internal mic

on picture Desktop microphone means webcam micropthone


4 Operator


13.6K Posts

November 10th, 2016 13:00

dell 3521 with windows 7 32 bit after I updated the audio driver

Hello. The newest Realtek driver for the Inspiron 3521 with Windows 7 is the version.
That one is known to be buggy regarding the audio jack. My advice is to "roll back" to the previous driver -- the version.

1. Open the Device Manager (find it in the Control Panel, or type devmgmt.msc into the search box).
2. Expand the "Sound, video & game controllers"

3. Right click on "Realtek High Definition Audio" to open the context menu.

4. Click Properties.

5. Click the Driver tab at the top.

6. Click Rollback Driver.

on picture Desktop microphone means webcam micropthone

Yeah, your screen shots are from a different computer?

November 10th, 2016 19:00

but I want the new driver because it contains stereo mix

the screen shot from my computer

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

November 11th, 2016 04:00

on picture Desktop microphone means webcam micropthone

It took me a  while to figure out that you have have a peripheral camera that you are referring to as the webcam mic.


The reason I was confused is that the mic you call the internal mic, is the laptop's webcam mic  which is in the bezel around the display. That's why I thought the screen shot was from a different computer, but now I get it.

I cant disable the internal mic so I could use headset mic only , I cannt because they are on the same menu

Do you mean that when you had the previous driver installed, the internal mic and the external mic were listed as separate devices, something like this?

That screen shot is from a Dell model that has a "mic array", which is dual mics in the webcam. Your model has a single mic in the webcam, not an array.

Most of the Dell laptops look like your screen shot, as a single listing that combines the webcam mic with the mic jack.

You don't disable it -- it has to be enabled for the jack mic to work. When you plug in an external mic, then it becomes the default mic, IF the system recognizes that a mic has been plugged into the jack.

There are two broad reasons why the system fails to recognize an external mic: either a problem with the driver, or hardware issue, which could be anything from a failed jack to incompatible impedances between the mic and the mic detection sensor.

If the headset mic you are using worked okay with the previous driver, then you can rule a hardware issue. That means the problem is with the driver.

The original driver probably has stereo mix. After you roll back to it, go back to the Recording properties and right click in the empty white area right under the list of devices. Check the boxes  to show disabled and disconnected devices.

November 11th, 2016 06:00

Do you mean that when you had the previous driver installed, the internal mic and the external mic were listed as separate devices, something like this?


The original driver probably has stereo mix. After you roll back to it, go back to the Recording properties and right click in the empty white area right under the list of devices. Check the boxes  to show disabled and disconnected devices.

I made that but there are no stereo mix

i recorded my voice by both old  and new driver and i found that the old driver is better and my voice is in good quality and high , but in new driver the voice volume is low althought i make mic level 100 i think that because the internal mic is used with the headset mic so i want to to disable internal mic

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

November 12th, 2016 05:00

You could try a driver directly from the Realtek site and see if you like it any better than the Dell ones.

1.Go to the Realtek downloads selection page. http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/
2. On the page click on "High Definition Audio Codecs".
3. Check "I accept" and then "next".
4. (optional) In the column named "Description" find the file named README and download it. That has the instructions for installing or updating.
5. In the column named "Description" select your operating system and whether it is 32bits or 64bits from the top 2 choices in the list.
6. In the column named "Download" click on one of the server names to download the driver.

November 13th, 2016 21:00

I downloaded and installed it from realtek,com and still having the same problem

November 13th, 2016 22:00

Right... Try going into control panel, clicking on 'Hardware and Sound', then clicking on 'Sound'. A small window should pop up with the tabs: 'Playback', 'Recording', 'Sounds' and 'Communications'. Click on the tab that says 'Recording'. A list of microphones and/or line-ins should come up in the white space in the middle. As you have a laptop, there may only be one microphone in the list, which would save you time. If there is more than one, my advice would be to make a logical guess as to which one is the integrated mic. (Maikutech (above) describes a method of finding out the name of the microphone but in my experience, laptop BIOSes aren't particularly user-friendly.) Once you think you know which one is the one you want to disable, click on it in the list and click on the button in the bottom-right of the window that says 'Properties'. Another window should pop up, titled 'Microphone Properties'. There should be a box at the bottom of this window which says 'Use this device (enable)', click on it and select 'Don't use this device (disable)'. Once you have done this, click 'OK' and your microphone should be disabled :) . Sorry if this seems a bit long and overly detailed, but I just want to make sure I'm explaining well enough since it is quite hard to help someone without being with them haha! Good luck! Hope this helped :) .

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

November 14th, 2016 06:00

More suggestions:

> You could search for a Registry hack to boost the mic volume higher with the newer driver. Those values should be somewhere in the Registry.

> Search for a Registry hack to enable stereo mix, with the older driver.

> Keep the newer driver for the stereo mix feature you want, and get a usb audio jack for the mic (or a usb mic). A usb audio device is a separate audio system from the Realtek system, and does not have anything to do with the Realtek driver. It uses the Windows native usb audio driver. Here is an example of a usb jack:


> Try some other software in conjunction with the older driver, such as Virtual audio Cable or Total Recorder. The thread below discusses numerous software like that, that might work in lieu of stereo mix. There is even a suggestion on how to enable stereo mix in the Registry.


4 Operator


13.6K Posts

November 14th, 2016 06:00

Hello Fathimafazilla. Welcome to the Laptop Audio board.

Thank you for offering your suggestion in this thread. If you have not yet had the opportunity, I would urge you to read the entire thread so as to understand what has already been discussed about the issue.

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