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2 Posts


May 9th, 2004 12:00

Temporary fix for backlighting / inverter issue

Okay, since I've seen that hundreds of people had this problem with their backlighting of the tft screen, here's a little fix.

The backlighting of your laptop tft/lcd screen goes off, for no apparent reason, but it is not in standy, because you can still see some shapes on your screen. It's just that the light has gone out.

The reason for this seems to be either an overheated lcd inverter or a burnt-out backlight.

Before this happens, you will notice that your backlight is dimmer and may turn reddish / darkish in the lower left corner. Once you get that, get a new TFT screen or be prepared for the nightmare...

Don't stress your screen! Turn down the brightness by two stops from maximum. You will notice that the screen will stay alive longer or not go out at all (which is the case for me). It's annoying and no permanent solution, but that's all you can do when you're stuck on a weekend and Dell international support is not open and the US support line won't help you.

Another helpful thing is to increase the fan speeds of your laptop, because it may be an inverter overheating issue. The inverter itself is in the sceen, thus the fans won't directly cool it, but less heat will be transmitted from your processor into the screen via the metal connections (the screen does get quite a lot of heat from the processor). You can do that with i8k FanGUI.

Here's a good fact to know: The lcd display "resets" whenever you change the resolution. Thus, resetting the screen resolution will bring your lcd back to life.

Also, removing the front plastic cover from your LCD screen will allow for more air circulation.

Here's what I did to help myself:

Download MultiRes:

Install it into C:\MultiRes.

Create a new text file on your desktop. Rename it to MULTIRES.BAT.

[If you still see the text file icon, go to your folder settings (any windows explorer window will do, in tools) and uncheck "do not display known file endings". Then rename the new textfile to multires.bat again. You should now see a different icon.]

Right-click MULTIRES.BAT and select "edit". In the file, write:

"C:\MultiRes\MultiRes.exe" /1024,768,32,75
"C:\MultiRes\MultiRes.exe" /1400,1050,32,75

Save the file, close it.

Create a new link on the desktop and select MULTIRES.BAT as destination. In the link properties, there's a field for "shortcut". Click in there and press CRTL+ALT+M -- the combination should appear in the text field. Save the link.

Now, every time your screen goes black, press CRT+ALT+M, and it will come to life again! :-)

I hope that helps.

Message Edited by Thamis on 05-09-2004 02:57 PM

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