
This post is more than 5 years old


7 Posts


October 1st, 2004 14:00

Screen doesn't light up right

My Inspirion 2500 laptop has been having a problem. If I close the lid or start up my computer sometimes the screen doesn't light up. I can see the sign on faintly on the screen and can sign on but I have to close & open the screen several times and it finally will come on. What is wrong & what can I do to fix this problem? Any and all help is appreciated.

2 Intern


14.4K Posts

October 1st, 2004 16:00

sounds like you have a backlight problem with your screen.
if that's the problem then you'll need a new backlight bulb.

2 Intern


7.3K Posts

October 1st, 2004 18:00

To try to refire the backlight hit Fn+F8 a few times.

2 Intern


7.3K Posts

October 2nd, 2004 01:00

Look for the stuck plunger that operates the backlight switch - they sometines stick down.

7 Posts

October 3rd, 2004 01:00

where is the plunger?

2 Intern


7.3K Posts

October 3rd, 2004 15:00

This is what happens when someone interjects into someone else's thread.  Waynus, my reply was to the intruder puffypuss.  The 2500 doesn't use the plunger, it has a reed switch and magnet setup to do the job.

7 Posts

October 5th, 2004 00:00

So John,


Does this mean that my LCD is out or going out? I called the tech center and that is what they think. I can still read the what is happening in the background so long as I am looking at the screen at a certain angle or use a flashlight. If I turn it off & on enough or once I'm logged on, I open & close the lid enough, it usually comes back on. Dell said a new LCD would be about $700, in that case I need to just by a new one. Someone said something about a backlight, what is that? Your help is appreciated.

2 Intern


7.3K Posts

October 5th, 2004 02:00

I was going to suggest replacing the backlights, but that takes technical acumen and your question probably precludes you from trying.  www.jkllamps.com sells backlight tubes cheap - you have to disassemble the lcd to get at them and measure and replace them.  This page shows one guy's efforts.  You could also get an lcd off ebay or here.

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