
This post is more than 5 years old

6 Posts


August 23rd, 2013 18:00

No boot device found. Press any key to reboot.

I, have inspiron 15r 5520and on starting the computer i am getting the message " No boot device found. Press any key to reboot." I ran the  diagnostic but could not found any error. Is there any solution.

6 Posts

August 23rd, 2013 18:00

I can see " fixed HDD ST500LM012  HN-M500MBB

3 Apprentice


2.4K Posts

August 23rd, 2013 18:00

It appears that the hard drive is blank and has not been formatted and no operating system has been installed.

The hard drive tests good and is recognized in the BIOS so those are good signs.

6 Posts

August 23rd, 2013 18:00

I can see  Fixed HDD:--- St500lm012  hn-m500mbb

3 Apprentice


2.4K Posts

August 23rd, 2013 18:00

What Operating System do you have?

What type of hard drive do you have? SSD or HDD

When was the last time it booted to the operating system?

Did you just format the drive?

In the BIOS setup menu what is the setting for the hard drive? SATA or AHCI

3 Apprentice


2.4K Posts

August 23rd, 2013 18:00

Press F2 at boot when you see the Dell logo and enter the Setup menu. Is the hard drive recognized in the BiOS Setup Menu?

6 Posts

August 23rd, 2013 18:00

Thanks a lot for your help.

6 Posts

August 23rd, 2013 18:00

Sir, i have no idea when the last time laptop was booted. somebody pawned it to me and never came back. Today i took it out for sale and could not boot it.

Hard drive is HDD and setting for the hard drive is AHCI.

6 Posts

August 24th, 2013 16:00

Trying to install win 7 but installation keeps on hanging at " Setup is starting services"  what should I do?

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