
This post is more than 5 years old


1 Rookie


7 Posts


July 13th, 2007 20:00

Laptop screen doesn't seem to turn on after opening sometimes

I occasionally find that after opening my already on laptop, the screen stays dark. Keys seem to respond (i.e. caps/num lock). Though it's hard to tell and my patience burns up pretty quickly when this problem occurs...

Upon restarting the computer (via holding down the power button, of course), maybe half the time it boots fine. The other half the time, I see the initial screen with the Dell logo, and the BIOS version, and after that the screen goes dark, but the computer still seems to continue with booting up. I have to restart *again* to fix this.

Any help appreciated.


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

July 13th, 2007 21:00

Your backlight is dying.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

July 13th, 2007 21:00

What's the expected lifetime of the backlight, and what's the route to repair? I'm more inclined to think that it's a wiring problem, but i'm not the expert :) Thanks again.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

July 13th, 2007 23:00

You can open up the system and reseat the cables; that may fix it. More likely you need to have the bulb replaced - cost about $100-150, labor included.

Like any fluorescent bulb, it can last years - or days.

1 Message

July 15th, 2007 05:00

I have the same problem occasionally on my Inspiron 5100. And it is NOT the backlight. The problem occurs because the lid 'sensor' that tells the computer to take action when the lid is opened or closed (turn the backlight on/off, or go into Standby mode, depending on settings) is a magnetic reed switch, not unlike those used as door/window contacts in alarm systems. The switch is activated by a magnet in the lid, just to the left of the center latch slider. Sometimes, after years of constant use, the switch contacts themselves become magnetized and begin to stick together at random, even when the lid is opened (and the magnet is moved away). The reason the backlight goes out even on reboot after the POST is because that switch is still telling the hardware that the lid is closed and it turns the backlight off. (Everything is tested at POST, which is why the light is on at the DELL screen, but as soon as the boot process starts, it shuts off)

The only way I have found to fix the problem (short of replacing the reed switch -- which IS possible and relatively easy if you are comfortable opening your laptop and soldering 2 leads) is to give the palm rest (just below the left touchpad button)a couple raps with a screwdriver handle. Slamming the lid closed a couple times will work too, but I don't recommend that for the sake of your LCD.. I did it once the first time I had the problem out of frustration, and it fixed itself, which is what led to my discovery of the sticky switch..

Message Edited by taz420nj on 07-15-2007 01:47 AM

1 Rookie


7 Posts

July 15th, 2007 11:00

It also just occurred to me that the screen doesn't always seem to turn off when shut for long periods of time. Again this is a seemingly noted behavior. I don't recall if the screen should instantaneously turn back on. Usually about a second seems about right in my memory.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

July 15th, 2007 11:00

Actually, the Inspiron E1505 does not use a magnet to sense open/close.

If one removes the panel "above" the keyboard it also shows the hinges. There's a small white button that's triggered when the lid open/closes. I at one point verified this by pressing down the button with a pencil or something.

The laptop is 11 months old, so years of use doesn't quite apply.

Thanks though :) (I too still have my doubts about it being the actual backlight)

1 Message

July 17th, 2007 02:00

im reply to the lid sensor i have a inspiron  b120 and i need to squeeze the monitor exterior plastic directly under the lock, i have unscrewed the plastic and stuck a piece of plastic there and now it works again(only had backlight workin with out holding lid)
lid does not lock now but unit works
maybe this will help
i call tech service to see if they know what the problem is waiting for a response will post if i get an answer (the unit did drop off picnic table last weekend seemed ok at time but?)
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